Use case
You want to select a specific RAMSES output directory and get somme basic information about it
First, you need to select the snapshot of your RAMSES simulation you would like to read by creating a RamsesOutput object :
import pymses
ro = pymses.RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/outputs", 193)
In this example, you are intersted in the files contained in /data/Aquarius/output/ouput_00193/
To get some details about this specific output/simulation. Everything you need is in the info parameter :
Out:{'H0': 73.0,
'aexp': 1.0000620502295701,
'boxlen': 1.0,
'dom_decomp': <pymses.sources.ramses.hilbert.HilbertDomainDecomp object at 0x3305e10>,
'levelmax': 18,
'levelmin': 7,
'ncpu': 64,
'ndim': 3,
'ngridmax': 800000,
'nstep_coarse': 9578,
'omega_b': 0.039999999105930301,
'omega_k': 0.0,
'omega_l': 0.75,
'omega_m': 0.25,
'time': 6.2446534480863097e-05,
'unit_density': (2.50416381926e-27 m^,
'unit_length': (4.21943976727e+24 m),
'unit_mass': (1.88116596007e+47 kg),
'unit_pressure': (2.50385294276e-13 m^^-2),
'unit_temperature': (12021826243.9 K),
'unit_time': (4.21970170037e+17 s),
'unit_velocity': (9999379.26156 m.s^-1)}["ncpu"]
Out:64["boxlen"] / 2**["levelmax"]
This way, you can easily find the units of your data (see Dealing with units).