New Views into Stellar Rotation from Asteroseismology
Joel ONG (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Mardi 12/11/2024, 10:00-11:00
Bat 713, salle de séminaires Galilée , CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

Asteroseismology — the analysis and interpretation of stellar oscillations — remains the only means by which we may directly inspect the properties of stellar interiors. I will describe new theoretical developments regarding the interpretation of asteroseismic rotational signatures in a particular class of variable stars — red-giant solar-like oscillators. While waves in most variable stars propagate in a single mode cavity, I formulate a description of multicavity oscillations in these red giants by way of a physical analogy where they behave as "acoustic molecular orbitals". I describe two recent observational results which this formalism has helped us to interpret: 1. the detection of engulfment signatures in evolved red giants, and 2. direct constraints on the misalignment angle between the rotational axis of the core and of the envelope, in the central star of a spin-orbit-misaligned planetary system.

Local contact: Rafael GARCIA

Organization: Frédéric GALLIANO

Contact : Frederic GALLIANO



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