Submm/FIR astronomy from Antarctica
ARENA Working Group Meeting - October 8th 2008 - Paris

Location: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Salle Entresol (how to get there and area map). IAP is located at 98 bis, boulevard Arago, in the 14th "arrondissement", very close to Place Denfert-Rochereau and the Denfert-Rochereau metro lines 4, 6, and RER-B (suburban) stations.


Objective: To conclude the ARENA Working Group activities on submillimeter astronomy. The meeting will mainly be dedicated to discussing the conclusions of the WG about the potential of Dome C in Antarctica for submm astronomy with a large telescope facility. The 12m ALMA-type antenna, as a possible facility, will be discussed. A special session and round table on FIR interferometry in Antarctica is also scheduled. The meeting will finally report on the current site testing experiments at Dome C that aim to assess its quality for submm astronomy and the polar constraints on telescopes. Attendance will be limited to 20 people.


Practical information:

Hotel near IAP

email contact:

How to get to IAP and area map


Download "Science cases" and "Environmental conditions" document

CHAPTER 1: Science cases

CHAPTER 2: Environmental conditions

Template PPT presentation for science cases


AGENDA - LAST UPDATE: 02/10/2008


9:00 -- 9:30 Welcome, meeting guidelines and latest "site testing" results

V. Minier (CEA Saclay)



09:30 -- 09:45 Galactic Star Formation and ISM spectral lines

L. Olmi (IRA-INAF Firenze) & on behalf of C. Kramer (IRAM)
10:00 -- 10:15 Magellanic clouds

F. Israel (Leiden)
10:15 -- 10:45 Galaxy evolution and submm spectroscopy of galaxies

E. Daddi (CEA Saclay) & L. Spinoglio (IFSI-INAF)

Coffee break
11:15 -- 12:30 SCIENCE Discussion (chair: L. Olmi)

(the goal is to define the most relevant issues for a single-dish instrument)
Some specific questions to be answered:
- Is a 12m Dome-C single-dish submm telescope competitive for astrophysics ?
- Will it be able to carry out optimum post-Herschel science ?
- Will it be useful for Herschel follow-up and ALMA parallel studies ?
- FIR/submm background: can it be resolved by a 12m antenna at Dome C ?
- Magellanic Clouds: can it be a strong science driver?
- For what science goals is the 200 micron waveband fundamental ?
- Submm wavelengths are well suited for S-Z effect ?
- For what science goals is MIR from Dome-C fundamental?
- Does Dome-C open unique windows for spectral line works?
- Should we consider the ESO-ALMA prototype antennas or a BIGGER instrument?

LUNCH (12:30 – 13:30)

SITE TESTING (chair: N. Tothill)


13:30 - 13:45 Atmospheric transmission at Dome C  and comparison to other sites

P. Tremblin (CEA Saclay)

13:45 – 14:00 Environmental constraints

G. Durand (CEA Saclay)

14:00 – 15:00 Discussion on logistics requirements including the following issues:

- the vertical temperature gradient in the boundary layer

- the high relative humidity in the boundary layer

- the wind-speed gradient in the boundary layer

- the temperature fluctuations in the boundary layer

- the low atmospheric pressure (which makes things difficult to cool, not difficult to heat!)


Coffee break

INTERFEROMETERS (chair: L. Spinoglio)

15:30 – 16:00 FIR interferometry context
F. Helmich (co-PI of FIRI)
-    Science with bolometer interferometry
-    Science with THz heterodyne interferometry
-    Ground vs. Space
-    Pathfinder for FIRI (space observatory).

16:00 – 17:00 Discussion on interferometry
Round table on the involvement of represented institutes in FIR interferometry
-    Science
-    Bolometer
-    Beam combiner
-    Heterodyne receiver
-    FIRI
Facilities and atmospheric requirements
- How many (and what diameter) antennas?
- What difficulties building a FIR interferometer at Dome-C?
- How much would a 12m antenna help?

17:00 -- 18:00 Final Discussion:
Potential of Dome C for submm astronomy: yes or no ? Conclusions of the WG.
If yes, how to establish a road-map for a large submm-wave facility in Antarctica


Participants (preliminary):

Nick Tothill
Frank Israel

Frank Helmich
Luigi Spinoglio

Sergio Molinari

Luca Olmi
Marco de Petris
Pascal Tremblin

Gilles Durand

Nicola Schneider

Emanuele Daddi
Vincent Minier

Michel Apers
Slimane Bensammar
Nicolas Epchtein


#2479 - Last update : 10/02 2008


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