We joined the project of R. Michaels, R. S. Holmes to restart an analyzer for the next HAPPEX experiment in 2001. Several changes/upgrades in the hardware, operating systems and acquisitions softwares used in Hall A push us in the way to rewrite the old C code of HAPPEX I. This new code is based on C++, CODA, ROOT and STL librairies. Some basic considerations were taken into account in the PAN design :
  • Modularity: implementation of multiple kind of analysis, modifications of the datastream without rewriting the base part of the code. MySQL Database management of the runs .
  • Reusability: classes design enable the code to evolve to new tasks like feedback control and online monitoring.
  • Online


    is available here. Pan is currently used for the analysis of the beam test conducted in spring and summer 2002 to measure beam parameters, feedback systems and test for the luminosity detector. Code Development is managed with CVS. HAPPEX2 DAQ upgrade schematic (ps). Example of analysis with Pan during beam test(ps). An "Online Monitoring" based on Pan is coming soon and will be more likely tested during GDH in september 2002.


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