Scientific activities
My main activity is related to the identification of the cosmological dark matter. I am currently working on a ERC-funded project, which goal is to detect dark matter in the form of axions. I conduct also some theoretical studies related to models beyond the standard model. Before that, I worked on cosmic ray physics, with an implication in the AMS experiment (now onboard the ISS). I spent a decade or so working on gamma-ray astronomy, within the HESS and CTA collaborations. In all case, the main focus of my work was the identification of dark matter.
- 2022-...: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Etienne Savalle, on the development of an axion detector.
- 2021-2022: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Petr Polovodov, on the development of an axion detector.
- 2014-2017: Supervisor of the PhD work of Matthias Lorentz, « The universe transparency to very-high energy gamma rays with H.E.S.S. and related fundamental physics»
- 2011-2014: Supervisor of the PhD work of Denis Wouters, « Searches for new light bosons with high-energy astronomy», 6 refereed publications with direct involvment, 5 as corresponding author and 1 publication in preparation, defended June 30th 2014
- 2009-2011: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Clementina Medina, on the development and characterization of composite mirrors for CTA, funded by ASPERA, one refereed publication as corresponding author
- Since 2009: lecturer and teaching assistant at the École des Mines de Paris (MINES-Paristech): special relativity, quantum physics, statistical mechanics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics and cosmology, general relativity
- Since 2013: teaching assistant at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA- Paristech), statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics
- Since 2016: visiting professor at Mohammed VI polytechnic university (Ben Guerir, Morocco): General relativity and cosmology at the EMINES engineering school
- Since 2010: lecture at the Orsay summer school "Rencontres de l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit", Introduction to astroparticle physics
- 2010-2013: lecturer at Universiteé Paris 11, basic physics for adults returning to full-time education
- 2004-2007 : teaching assistant in mathematics and physics at Université de Savoie
- Seminars in high schools (about 5/year) and seminars for the general public (about 3/year), examples: "Elementary particles", "The missing mass of the universe", "Modern astronomy", "CTA and the future of gamma-ray astronomy", "The dark matter problem", "Do antimatter worlds exist?"
- 2014: consultant for the script and participation to the shooting of a documentary for the Arte channel dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy
- 2007-2012 Outreach contact person for the Irfu Particle Physics Department
- 2007-2010 ASPERA-outreach contact person for CEA
- Member of the editorial board and co-author of the book "Passeport pour les deux infinis" (ed. Dunod)
Supervision of students ad post-doctoral fellows
- 2022-...: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Etienne Savalle, on the development of an axion detector.
- 2021-2022: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Petr Polovodov, on the development of an axion detector.
- 2014-2017: Supervisor of the PhD work of Matthias Lorentz, « The universe transparency to very-high energy gamma rays with H.E.S.S. and related fundamental physics»
- 2011-2014: Supervisor of the PhD work of Denis Wouters, « Searches for new light bosons with high-energy astronomy», 6 refereed publications with direct involvment, 5 as corresponding author and 1 publication in preparation, defended June 30th 2014
- 2009-2011: Supervisor of the post-doctoral work of Clementina Medina, on the development and characterization of composite mirrors for CTA, funded by ASPERA, one refereed publication as corresponding author
- Since 2009: lecturer and teaching assistant at the École des Mines de Paris (MINES-Paristech): special relativity, quantum physics, statistical mechanics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics and cosmology, general relativity
- Since 2013: teaching assistant at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA- Paristech), statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics
- Since 2016: visiting professor at Mohammed VI polytechnic university (Ben Guerir, Morocco): General relativity and cosmology at the EMINES engineering school
- Since 2010: lecture at the Orsay summer school "Rencontres de l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit", Introduction to astroparticle physics
- 2010-2013: lecturer at Universiteé Paris 11, basic physics for adults returning to full-time education
- 2004-2007 : teaching assistant in mathematics and physics at Université de Savoie
- Seminars in high schools (about 5/year) and seminars for the general public (about 3/year), examples: "Elementary particles", "The missing mass of the universe", "Modern astronomy", "CTA and the future of gamma-ray astronomy", "The dark matter problem", "Do antimatter worlds exist?"
- 2014: consultant for the script and participation to the shooting of a documentary for the Arte channel dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy
- 2007-2012 Outreach contact person for the Irfu Particle Physics Department
- 2007-2010 ASPERA-outreach contact person for CEA
- Member of the editorial board and co-author of the book "Passeport pour les deux infinis" (ed. Dunod)