In the last three years, DACM has scored a number of successes: the injectors of SPIRAL2 and IFMIF have been tested in an operational situation in their bunkers inside the Synergium and have achieved their nominal performance. The 51 tons of superconducting material necessary for the ISEULT project were produced and 170 double pancakes were wound with the required accuracy. The development of innovative antennas for medical imaging has continued with success. Sources of SILHI type will now be industrialized and beam dynamics softwares are marketed worldwide. In October 2012, the JT-60SA cold test station received its imposing cryostat.
Over the next three years efforts will focus on commissioning the IPHI injector, on the industrial phase of XFEL cryomodules assembly, as well as on the construction and testing of two innovative cryomodules: the prototype cryomodule for the IFMIF-LIPAC accelerator, and the technology demonstrator for ESS. DACM will also contribute to the progress of the project CILEX in view of new acceleration techniques and deliver the proton injector FAIR project in Darmstadt. In the field of cryomagnetism the JT-60SA test station will be commissioned in 2014 and will open technological extensions for the ITER program. The spectrometer R3B-Glad will be cryostated and tested. The imaging magnet NEUROSPIN-ISEULT will be cryostated to get its ambitious performances in terms of magnetic field homogeneity and stability. The DACM will also participate strongly to the development of new high-field magnets needed to increase the luminosity and energy of the LHC.
By 2017 and within its complementary activities of accelerators and cryomagnetism, the DACM will be intensely involved in exciting projects equal to the major scientific missions of the CEA. Moreover the DACM will resolutely participate, together with the nearby communities, in the launching and the success of the campus of the Paris-Saclay University.