Intellectual production

Papers and Conference Contributions

  1. Olga Kochebina, Daniel A. B. Bonifacio, Georgios Konstantinou, Adrien Paillet, Christian M. Pommranz, Gašper Razdevšek, Viatcheslav Sharyy, Dominique Yvon, Sebastien Jan, “New GATE Digitizer Unit for versions post v9.3,” Front. Phys., vol. 12, p. 1294916, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1294916.
  2. Roman Chyzh, Gerard Tauzin, Dominique Yvon, Chi-Hsun Sung, Dominique Breton, Jihane Maalmi, Klaus Schäfers, Christian Weinheimer, Viatcheslav Sharyy "Characterization of the BOLDPET optical prototype, an innovative Cherenkov detector for 511 keV γ radiation", 2024, JINST 19 P07018, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/19/07/P07018 arXiv:2401.17003 [physics.ins-det]
  3. A. Galindo-Tellez, V. Sharyy, C.-H. Sung, M. Follin, L. Cappellugola, S.Curtoni, M. Dupont, C. Morel, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, D. Yvon "First ClearMind gamma detector prototype for TOF-PET imaging", 2024, JINST,  19 P07037, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/19/07/P07037 arXiv:2312.13169 [physics.ins-det]

  4. Geoffrey Daniel, Mohamed Bahi Yahiaoui, Claude Comtat, Sebastien Jan, Olga Kochebina, Jean-Marc Martinez, Viktoriya Sergeyeva, Viatcheslav Sharyy, Chi-Hsun Sung, Dominique Yvon, "Deep Learning reconstruction with uncertainty estimation for γ photon interaction in fast scintillator detectors",  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 131, 2024, 107876,  , e-Print: 2310.06572 [physics.ins-det]

  5. C.-H. Sung, L. Cappellugola, M. Follin, S. Curtoni, M. Dupont, C. Morel, A. Galindo-Tellez, R. Chyzh, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, "Detailed simulation for the ClearMind prototype detection module and event reconstruction using artificial intelligence", NIM A Volume 1053, 2023, 168357, , e-Print:2209.11587 [physics.ins-det]

  6. S. Peters, B. Gerke, V. Hannen, C. Huhmann, N. Marquardt, K. Schäfers, D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, C. Weinheimer, "Electro-purification studies and first measurement of relative permittivity of TMBi", JINST 17 (2022) 12 P12021,e-Print: 2209.00996 [physics.ins-det], DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/12/P12021

  7. Björn Gerke, Simon-Nis Peters, Nils Marquardt, Christian Huhmann, Volker Michael Hannen, Michael Holtkamp, Uwe Karst, Dominique Yvon, Viatcheslav Sharyy, Christian Weinheimer, Klaus Schäfers, “Suppression of electrical breakdown phenomena in liquid TriMethyl Bismuth based ionization detectors,”, JINST 17(2022) 09, P09029, e-Print: 2206.13440 [physics.ins-det], DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/09/P09029

  8. L. Cappellugola; S. Curtoni; M. Dupont; C.-H. Sung; V. Sharyy; C. Thibault; D. Yvon; C. Morel, “Modelisation of Light Transmission through Surfaces with Thin Film Optical Coating in Geant4,” in 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875513
  9. M. Follin, R. Chyzh, C.-H. Sung, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, T. Chaminade, E. Delagnes, K. Schäfers, C. Weinheimer, D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, “High resolution MCP-PMT Readout Using Transmission Lines, 2021, NIM A, vol. 1027, p. 166092, 2022-03, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.166092, ArXiv:2108.03406[physics.ins-det]

  10. M. Follin, V. Sharyy, J.-P. Bard, M. Korzhik, and D. Yvon, “Scintillating properties of today available lead tungstate crystals, JINST 16 P08040, ArXiv:2103.13106 [physics.ins-det]

  11. D. Yvon , V. Sharyy, M. Follin, J-P Bard, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, C. Morel, E. Delagnes, “Design study of a scintronic crystal targeting tens of picoseconds time resolution for gamma ray imaging: the ClearMind detector.” 2020, JINST 15 P07029, arXiv:2006.14855 [physics.ins-det]

  12.  and "Fast and efficient detection of 511 keV photons using Cherenkov light in PbF2 crystal, coupled to a MCP-PMT and SAMPIC digitization module", 2019 J. Inst. 14 P12001, arXiv:1909.06107 [physics.ins-det]

  13. M. Farradèche, G. Tauzin, J-Ph. Mols, J-P. Bard, J-P. Dognon, C. Weinheimer, K.P. Schafers, V. Sharyy, D. Yvon, "Ionization parameters of Trimethylbismuth for high-energy photon detection", NIM A, p. 162646, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.162646

  14. M. Farradèche, G. Tauzin, J-Ph. Mols, J-P. Dognon, V. Dauvois, V. Sharyy, J-P. Bard, X. Mancardi, P. Verrecchia, D. Yvon, "Free ion yield of Trimethyl Bismuth used as sensitive medium for
    γ detection", JINST 13 P11004, 2018,e-Print: arXiv:1809.08115 [physics.ins-det]

  15. M. Alokhina,  C. Canot, O. Bezshyyko, I. Kadenko, G. Tauzin, D. Yvon, V Sharyy, "Simulation and optimization of the Cherenkov TOF whole-body PET scanner", NIM A, 912, 378–381. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.01.027

  16. O. Kochebina, S. Jan, S. Stute , V. Sharyy, P. Verrecchia, X. Mancardi, D. Yvon, "Simulations and Image Reconstruction for the High Resolution CaLIPSO PET Scanner for Brain and Preclinical Studies", 2018, e-Print: arXiv:1801.06411 [], in IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 363-370, May 2018, doi: 10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2880811

  17. C. Canot and M. Alokhina and P. Abbon and J.P. Bard and G. Tauzin and D. Yvon and V. Sharyy, "Development of the fast and efficient gamma detector using Cherenkov light for TOF-PET", JINST 12 (2017), C12029, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/12/C12029

  18. E, Ramos, O. Kochebina, D. Yvon, P. Verrecchia, V. Sharyy,G. Tauzin, J.-P. Mols, P. Starzinski, D. Desforges, Ch. Flouzat, Y. Bulbul, S. Jan, X.  Mancardi, C. Canot, M.  Alokhina,  "Efficient and fast 511-keV γ detection through Cherenkov radiation: the CaLIPSO optical detector" , JINST 11 (2016) no.11, P11008, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/11/P11008

  19. C. Canot, O. Kochebina, M. Alokhina, P. Abbon, J.-P. Bard, G. Tauzin, D. Yvon, and V. Sharyy "Development of the fast and efficient gamma detector using cherenkov light", 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (NSS/MIC/RTSD), Strasbourg, 2016, pp. 1-4,  DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069926

  20. O. Kochebina and S. Jan and V. Sharyy and X. Mancardi and P. Verrecchia and E. Ramos and D. Yvon, "Simulation for CaLIPSO PET scanner",  2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7582246

  21. D. Yvon, J.-P. Renault, G. Tauzin, P. Verrecchia, E. Ramos, C. Flouzat, S. Sharyy,  "CaLIPSO: A novel detector concept for positron annihilation detection", in proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2013), 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ANIMMA.2013.6728041

  22. D. Yvon; J. -Ph. Renault; G. Tauzin; P. Verrecchia; C. Flouzat; S. Sharyy; E. Ramos; J. -P. Bard; Y. Bulbul; J. -P. Mols; P. Starzynski; D. Desforge; A. Marcel; J. -M. Reymond; S. Jan; C. Comtat; R. Trébossen, "CaLIPSO: an novel detector concept for PET imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1, 60, 2014. Pages: 1326 - 1335, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2013.2291971

  23. D. Yvon, J. Renault,  G. Tauzin, P. Verrecchia, . “The CaLIPSO detector project for enhanced PET imaging”. 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), January 2012, 1905, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551441

  24. E. Ramos; D. Yvon; P. Verrecchia; G. Tauzin; D. Desforge; V. Reithinger; D. Dubreuil; M. Hamel; C. Flouzat; V. Sharyy; J. -P. Bard; Y. Bulbul; J. -P. Mols; P. Starzynski; A. Marcel; R. Granelli, "Trimethyl Bismuth Optical Properties for Particle Detection and the CaLIPSO Detector', IEEE Transactions On Nuclear Science,Volume  62, Issue 3, 1326-1335, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2015.2424080

  25. Verrecchia, P, Ramos, E, Yvon, D, Tauzin, G, & Reithinger, V 2012, “CaLIPSO: TMBi properties for particles detection”, 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), p. 260, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551104


Conference Presentation

  1. Viatcheslav Sharyy, "Development of innovative PET technologies enhanced by the use of Cherenkov photons", Workshop on Electronics and Advances for Future High-Performance PET Systems, September 12th – 13th 2023
     at the Fraunhofer InHaus-Zentrum in Duisburg, Germany

  2. Dominique Yvon, "Deep Learning reconstruction with uncertainty estimation for γphoton interaction in fast scintillator detectors", Workshop on Electronics and Advances for Future High-Performance PET Systems, September 12th – 13th 2023
     at the Fraunhofer InHaus-Zentrum in Duisburg, Germany

  3. A. Gallindo Tellez, "Characterization of a One Face Instrumented Monolithic PbWO4 Integrated Detector Toward the Pico-seconds TOF-PET Applications", 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, 05 – 12 November 2022, Milano, Italy

  4. Viatcheslav Sharyy, "Ultra-Fast Readout Through Transmission Lines for TOF PET detectors", 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection (NDIP), Troyes (France), 04-08 July 2022

  5. Dominique Yvon, "Clear Mind : Development of a “scintronic” crystal for very fast timing gamma ray imaging", 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection (NDIP), Troyes (France), 04-08 July 2022

  6. Chi-Hsun Sung "Geant4 Simulation for the ClearMind Project and Reconstruction of the Gamma Conversion", The 9th French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP, Orsay October 27-29, 2021.

  7. Chi-Hsun Sung et al, "Geant4 Simulation for the ClearMind Project and Reconstruction of the Gamma Conversion", presentation at IEEE  NSS-MIC, octobre 2021

  8. L. Cappellugola, et al. "Modelisation of light transmission through surfaces with thin film optical coating in Geant4", presentation at IEEE  NSS-MIC, octobre 2021

  9. Megane Follin, "Characterization of lead tungstate crystals for the ClearMind Project", ANIMMA 2021, Prague, Chezh Republic.

  10. Dominique Yvon , "High-Speed, Efficient, High-Resolution Gamma Ray Imaging, The ClearMind Project", IEEE NSS/MIC, November 2019, Manchester, UK

  11. Megane Follin, Poster: "Ultra-Fast Read-Out Trough Transmission Lines for TOF PET detectors and ClearMind Project", IEEE NSS/MIC, November 2019, Manchester, UK

  12. Mégane Follin, "Developing of the high precision crystalline PET detection module", 7th French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP, October 2-4, 2019, LAL, Orsay, France

  13. Viatcheslav Sharyy, presentation "Development of Innovative Detectors for PET", MEDAMI 2019,  15-17 May, 2019, Valencia, Spain

  14. Morgan Farradech,  "Innovative gamma detector filled with high-density liquid for brain PET imaging", 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, February,18-22, 2019

  15. Viatcheslav Sharyy, presentation: "Use of SAMPIC for PET development at IRFU",  WaveCatcher and SAMPIC International Workshop, February 7-8, 2018, LAL, Orsay, France

  16. V. Sharyy and Ol. Kochebina, poster  "Development of Cherenkov Detectors for TOF PET", IEEE NSS MIC RTSD 2017 Conference, October, 2017, Atlanta, USA.

  17. Clotilde Canot,  presentation: "Development of the fast and efficient gamma detector using Cherenkov Light for TOF-PET", iWoRiD,  Krakow, Poland, July 2017

  18. Dominique Yvon,  presentation: "Efficient, fast 511-keV γ detection through Cherenkov radiation and ionization: the CaLIPSO detector for PET Imaging", iWoRiD,  Krakow, Poland, July 2017

  19. Viatcheslav Sharyy,  presentation: "Development of Cherenkov Detectors for PET", NDIP, Tours, France, July 2017

  20. Marharyta Alokhina, poster : "Simulation and Optimization of the Cherenkov TOF Full-body PET Scanner", NDIP, Tours, France. July 2017

  21. Clotilde Canot, presentation:  "Development of the Fast and Efficient Gamma Detector Using Cherenkov Light", IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, France, Novembre 2016

  22. Viatcheslav Sharyy, presentation: "Development of Cherenkov Detectors for PET", IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, France, Novembre 2016

  23. Olga Kochebina, poster: "Simulations and Image Reconstruction for High Resolution CaLIPSO PET Scanner for Human Brain and Preclinical Studies", IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, France, Novembre 2016

  24. Dominique Yvon, presentation "Efficient, fast 511-keV γ detection through Cherenkov radiation and ionization: the CaLIPSO detector for PET imaging",  MEDAMI, Ajaccio Bay, Corsica, May 1-5, 2016

  25. Olga Kochebina, presentation "Quantification of CaLIPSO PET scanner potential for personalized medicine in oncology and neurology", MEDAMI, Ajaccio Bay, Corsica, May 1-5, 2016


Ph.D. Thesis

  1. Chi-Hsun Sung, "Simulation and artificial intelligence for a gamma detector for high resolution PET imaging", 04/07/2022,  Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay

  2. Megane Follin, "Détecteur pour l'imagerie TEP, temps de vol et haute résolution spatiale", 02/07/2021,  Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay.

  3. Morgan Farradèch, "Chambre d'ionisation liquide détecteur de photons γ pour l'imagerie TEP", 02/07/2019, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay.

  4. Marharyta Shemet (Alokhina),  "Conception du scanner TEP Tcherenkov, corps entier, temps de vol en utilisant un logiciel de simulation GATE", 20/09/2018, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay.

  5. Clotilde Canot, "Détecteur optique Cherenkov de photons 511 keV, rapide et efficace, pour l’imagerie TEP", 03/07/2018, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay

  6. Xavier Mancardi, "Détecteur liquide multipixellisé pour l’imagerie médicale et préclinique", 29/09/2016 , Universite Paris XI - Paris Sud, UFR Orsay

  7. Emelie Ramos, "Démonstrateur optique CaLIPSO pour l'imagerie TEP clinique et pré-clinique", 18/12/2014 , Universite Paris VII - Denis Diderot
#3944 - Màj : 31/07/2024


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