Cosmology and Statistics

The theme of the Universe's energy content, primarily focused on questions of dark matter, dark energy, and gravity, is a rapidly growing activity within the Cosmology and Statistics team, reflected by leading contributions to major international collaborations.


The activities of the Cosmology and Statistics team, also known as CosmoStat, are mainly organized around two themes:

  • Weak Lensing: Imaging surveys measure the distortions of galaxy images whose light has been deflected on a large scale by intervening matter. This effect, known as gravitational lensing, allows us to determine the fraction of dark matter and dark energy up to about 9 billion years ago. Weak lensing measurements can also be used to test the laws of gravity on large scales.
  • Statistical Methods and Artificial Intelligence: We work in various directions to optimize information extraction from our large datasets. Key areas include inverse problems, point spread function (PSF) recovery, and simulation-based inference.


CosmoStat website:

#3047 - Last update : 09/09 2024
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