The evolution of signatures of quasifission in reactions forming Curium
Elizabeth Wilson
Department of Nuclear Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia
Fri, Mar. 21st 2014, 11:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

Fusion is a delicate process, particularly when production of the heaviest elements is the aim. Quasifission—a fission-like reaction outcome that takes place over incredibly short (<10-20 s) timescales—is one of the most important competitors with fusion in reactions forming heavy (and superheavy) nuclei. In this presentation, I will demonstrate how to take a `snapshot' of quasifission processes that occur over zeptoseconds, show how quasifission probabilities and timescales relate to the selected reaction parameters, and provide experimental evidence of quasifission for reactions leading to isotopes of Curium using the Australian National University's large solid-angle CUBE detector array and 14UD heavy ion accelerator. 


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