Two-body current contributions in neutrino-nucleus scattering
Atelier ESNT
Apr. 18th 2016 to Apr. 22nd 2016
Bat 703, p 135 salle visio-conférence, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

On behalf of the "Espace de Structure et de réactions Nucléaires Théorique" (ESNT), the workshop entitled:

"Two-body current contributions in neutrino-nucleus scattering", will be held in April 18-22th at CEA-Saclay, Orme-les-Merisiers site.

The goals of the project are:
1. To discuss the different approximations made to calculate the two-body current contributions to electron- and neutrino-nucleus cross sections: methods, limitations and perspectives.
2. To benchmark models against electron-scattering data.
3. To compare the results obtained in the different approaches for the electroweak nuclear response, the neutrino double differential cross sections at fixed neutrino energy as well as folded with different neutrino fluxes.
4. To discuss the best strategies to implement the actual models in the Monte Carlo and to develop theoretical tools able to provide results for the exclusive cross sections.


For details about the updated program, see the ESNT Web site >> Ateliers 2016
Contact : Valerie LAPOUX


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