Concours mobilite 2011ED 517 "Particules, noyaux, cosmos"   
<p>l'ecole doctorale 517 (Particules, Noyaux, Cosmos) offre<br />des bourses du Ministere de l'education nationale et de la<br />recherche a des etudiants etrangers ou francais. La seule condition<br />d'elegibilite est la possession d'un M2 ou d'un diplome equivalent.<br />Dans le cas des etudiants francais, il est vivement souhaite que le M2<br />d'inscription soit situe en province.<br /><br />Les candidats seront evalues sur la base de leur niveau universitaire,<br />ainsi que sur la qualite scientifique de leur sujet de recherche et de<br />l'equipe ou ils effectueront leur these.<br /><br />L'equipe d'accueil doit appartenir a l'un des laboratoires relevant des<br />thematiques de l'Ecole Doctorale, a savoir : IAS, LPTMS, LUTH, LPTHE,<br />LPNHE, IPNO, IAP, IMNC, APC, CSNSM, LAL, CEA-Irfu/SPHn, CEA-Irfu/SPP,<br />CEA-iPhT, CEA-Irfu/SAP, CEA-Irfu/SACM, CEA-Irfu/SEDI<br /><br />Les candidats feront parvenir leur dossier par voie electronique au<br />secretariat de l'Ecole doctorale (<a href=""></a>). La date limite<br />est le 15 avril 2011. Le dossier comportera :<br /><br />-Un CV<br />-les notes obtenues en M1 ainsi que celles de M2 deja connues (premier<br />semestre).<br />-Une description du sujet de these propose.<br />-Un avis du directeur de laboratoire dans lequel doit se derouler sur le<br />sujet propose.<br />-Une lettre du directeur de these decrivant le programme de travail.<br />-Une ou deux lettres de recommandation sont vivement souhaitees.<br /><br />Les candidats retenus apres un premier tri sur dossier seront ensuite<br />auditionnes debut mai et les resultats communiques mi-mai.<br /><br />Philippe Schwemling, Elias Khan, Jacques Chauveau, Anne Isabelle Etienvre<br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />The doctoral school ED 517 (Particle, Nuclei, Cosmos) offers<br />Ph D grants of the French Education and Research ministry, for french or<br />foreign students. The only condition for eligibility is to have a M2 or an<br />equivalent diploma.&nbsp; For french<br />students, the place of obtention of the master 2 should preferably be<br />outside<br />Paris and outskirts.<br /><br />Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the university results, the<br />scientific quality of the thesis subject and of the research team within<br />which the applicant<br />will do his Ph D.<br /><br />The research team must be part of one of the laboratories whose research<br />topics are relevant to the doctoral school, i.e. IAS, LPTMS, LUTH, LPTHE,<br />LPNHE, IPNO, IAP, IMNC, APC, CSNSM, LAL, CEA-Irfu/SPHn, CEA-Irfu/SPP,<br />CEA-iPhT, CEA-Irfu/SAP, CEA-Irfu/SACM, CEA-Irfu/SEDI.<br /><br />Applications should be sent electronically to the secretariat of the<br />doctoral<br />school (<a href=""></a>). Deadline for application is the 15th of<br />April<br />2010. The application should be composed of :<br /><br />-A CV.<br />-The university examination results during Master 1, and already known<br />university examination results of Master 2 (First semester).<br />-A description of the thesis subject.<br />-An appreciation of the director of the laboratory where the thesis<br />should be<br />prepared.<br />-A letter of the thesis supervisor, describing the work plan.<br />-It is strongly advised to provide also one or two recommandation letters.<br /><br />The candidates retained after a first sort based on the documents<br />provided in<br />the application will be interviewed beginning of May, and the final results<br />communicated by mid-May.<br /><br />Philippe Schwemling, Elias Khan,Jacques Chauveau, Anne Isabelle Etienvre<br /><br /><br /></p>
ubassler, dépêche du 09/03/2011


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