Concours MdC à Clermont   

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Clermont Ferrand is opening a permanent teaching position ("Maitre de Conference", equivalent to junior professor)) in high-energy physics (poste N° 29MCF0307). The teaching activity will take place at the Physics Department of the Blaise Pascal University. The research activity of the recruited person will take place at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC) de Clermont-Ferrand ( in the LHCb experiment.

A good knowledge of French is essential for teaching.


The Clermont LHCb team is playing a leading role in the construction and the commissioning of the Pre-Shower part of the calorimeter system and the first level trigger Decision Unit. At the beginning of the LHC operation these responsibilities include the detector calibration and performance monitoring.

Participation in the LHCb upgrade is also under study.


The Clermont LHCb team has a wide range of physics interests and made substantial contributions to the preparation of the analysis tools of the very first data, the ?? and ?ms measurements in the B0s system, the determination of the CKM angles ? in B0d decays and ? in B0s decays, as well as the study of the ?b baryon and the time reversal.


Successful applicants are expected to contribute significantly to the LHCb detector operation, taking an active part in the major experimental and data analysis activities and foreseen upgrade of the apparatus.


Additional information can be found at:




The application has to be done before the 25th of March 2011 on the following website :


Please be aware that applying candidates must already be "qualified" by the Conseil National des Universités (CNU). This qualification is valid for four years, and gives the right to apply to any permanent Maitre de Conference position in France.


Contact :

LHCb group leader Pascal Perret ( or LPC director Alain Baldit (



Elie Aslanides

Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille

Tél.: +33 (0)491827602;  Fax.: +33 (0)491826058 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research

Tél.: +41 22 76 72062;  Fax.: +41 22 76 79425

ubassler, dépêche du 18/03/2011


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