Investigation means
- Proton-antiproton collider Tevatron (about 2 TeV in centre-of-mass)
- Particles identification from several detectors
- Physics processes and detectors response simulation softwares
- Data analysis software
Technical description
Different detectors with cylindrical symmetry, organized in layers around the beam axis:
- liquid argon calorimeter;
- - tracking detectors in a 2 Teslas magnetic field from a superconducting coil;
- - muons detectors.
New elements installed between 1996 and 2001 for the Run II upgrade:
- superconducting coil
- new tracking detectors ( Fiber tracker, Silicon microstrip vertex detector)
- new read-out electronics for the calorimeter
- New forward muon system
- The calorimeter partly made of depleted uranium plates in a liquid argon bath.
- Muon spectrometer using an iron toroidal magnet