The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly

Illustration of the short baseline reactor antineutrino anomaly. The experimental results are compared to the prediction without oscillation (ratio = 1). Published experimental errors and antineutrino spectra errors are added in quadrature. The mean averaged ratio including correlations is 0.943 ± 0.023. The red line shows a possible 3 active neutrino mixing solution, with sin2(2θ13) = 0.15. The blue line displays a solution including a new neutrino mass state, such as |∆m2new| = 2 eV2, sin2(2θ13) = 0.085, and sin2(2θnew,R) = 0.12. The lines are not a fit to the data, but just added for illustration purpose.

The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly

Recently new reactor antineutrino spectra have been provided for 235U, 239Pu, 241Pu and 238U, increasing the mean flux by about 3 percent. To a good approximation, this reevaluation applies to all reactor neutrino experiments. The synthesis of published experiments at reactor-detector distances 1.5 eV^2 (95%) and sin^2(2\theta_{new})=0.17(0.08) (95%). Constraints on the theta13 neutrino mixing angle are revised.


Reference: Phys. Rev. D 83073006 (2011) 
Article posted on Arxiv 1101.2755

Citations: SPIRES, SLAC, Stanford record


AuthorsG. MentionM. FechnerTh. Lasserre(*), Th. A. MuellerD. LhuillierM. CribierA. Letourneau

* Corresponding author:



Talks & Seminars:







White Paper on Sterile Neutrinos 


This white paper builds upon the Sterile Neutrinos at the Crossroads Workshop held at Virginia Tech, Septermber 26-28, 2011. The workshop was designed to examine the evidence for and against light sterile neutrinos coming from all areas of physics (particle, nuclear, astrophysics and cosmology) and to explore possible new experiments that could be mounted to resolve the issue. At the conclusion of the workshop the concensus view of the participants was that a white paper should be written to layout the theory, review the experimental and observational data and summarize proposals for possible future experiments relevant to the light sterile neutrino.


Outline and Section Editors 

(Editors: Patrick Huber, Virginia Tech and Jon Link, Virginia Tech)

  1. Theory and Motivation
    (Section Editors: Gabriela Barenboim, Valencia and Werner Rodejohann, MPI Heidelberg)
  2. Astrophysical Evidence
    (Section Editors: Kev Abazajian, UC Irvine and Yvonne Wong, Aachen)
  3. Evidence from Oscillation Experiments
    (Section Editors: Joachim Kopp, FNAL and Bill Louis, LANL)
  4. Global Picture
    (Section Editors: Thierry Lasserre, CEA Saclay and Thomas Schwetz, MPI Heidelberg)
  5. Requirements for Future Measurements
    (Section Editors: Bonnie Fleming, Yale and Joe Formaggio, MIT)
  6. Appendix: Possible Future Experiments
    (Section Editors: Patrick Huber, Virginia Tech and Jon Link, Virginia Tech

Published as : arXiv:1204.5379



#3045 - Màj : 06/04/2022


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