Astrophysique - 1998

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2021 - 2022 -

Opening solar magnetic fields : some analytical and numerical MHD aspects.
Amari T., Luciani J., Aly J., Mikic Z.
Talk given at Coronal Mass Ejections : Causes and Consequences, Bozeman, USA, 1996/08/11 - 1996/08/15
Near-IR images of the torus and micro-spiral structure in NGC1068 using adaptive optics.
Rouan D., Rigaut F., Alloin D., Doyon R., Lai O., Crampton D., Gendron E., Arsenault R.
Rapport Interne
Proper motions of the inner condensations in the HH 80-81 thermal radio jet.
Marti J., Rodriguez L., Reipurth B.
Published in Astrophysical Journal v.502, p.337 (07/98)
The radio counterparts of GX 354-0 and Terzan 1.
Marti J., Mirabel I., Rodriguez L., Chaty S.
Rapport Interne
QX Normae
Corbel S., Hannikainen D., Gonzalez J.F., Hainaut O.R.
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams - International Astronomical Union Circ., 6824, 1 (1998). Edited by Green, D. W. E.
(C 11) Emission from NGC 4038/39 (The "Antennae").
Nikola T., Genzel R., Herrmann F., Madden S., Poglitsch A., Geis N., Townes C.H., Stacey G.J
Published in Astrophysical Journal v.504, p.749 (09/98)
The dark side of star formation in the Antennae galaxies.
Mirabel I., Vigroux L., Charmandaris V., Sauvage M., Gallais P., Tran D., Cesarsky C., Madden S., Duc P.
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/DAp/98-09 [ Résumé ]
Emission X des proto-etoiles : Interaction magnetique entre etoile et disque d'accretion?
Grosso N., Montmerle T.
Talk given at La connexion accretion-ejection, observatoire de Grenoble, 5-7 novembre 1997
DAPNIA/DAp/98-10 [ Résumé ]
Intense X-Ray emission from an Embedded Infrared Protostar in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud
Grosso N., Montmerle T., Andre P., Casanova S., Feigelson E.D., Gregorio-Hetem J.
Talk given at Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), Lisbonne, Portugal, , 24-26 juin 1997
DAPNIA/DAp/98-11 [ Résumé ]
Deep ISOCAM view of the core of the lensing cluster A2390
Lemonon L., Pierre M., Cesarsky C.J, Elbaz D., Pello R., Soucail G., Vigroux L.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.334, p.L21-L25 (06/1998)
DAPNIA/DAp/98-12 [ Résumé ]
X-ray/Optical analysis of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1300: Indications of a post-merger at z = 0.31
Lemonon L., Pierre M., Hunstead R., Reid A., Mellier Y., Bohringer H.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.326, p.34-44
DAPNIA/DAp/98-13 [ Résumé ]
An X-Ray Superflare from an Embedded Protostar
Collaboration: Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, USA + IAG/USP, Sao Paulo University, Bresil Grosso N., Montmerle T., Feigelson E.D., Andre P., Casanova S., Gregorio-Hetem J.
Talk given at Palermo Workshop on Cool Stars in Clusters and Associations: Magnetic Activity and Age Indicators, Palerme, Italie, 20-23 may 1997
DAPNIA/DAp/98-14 []
Spectroscopic discovery of a bipolar jet from the Herbig Ae/Be star LkHalpha 233
Corcoran M., Ray T.P
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.336, p.535-538 (1998)
Workshop on solar models and GOLF data inversions team E GOLF
Turck-Chièze S.
Talk given at Workshop on Solar Models and GOLF Data Inversions Team E GOLF, Saclay, FRA, 1998/04/06 - 1998/04/07
Accélération, propagation et interaction de particules énergétiques dans le milieu interstellaire.
Parizot E.
Thèse soutenue le 15/12/1997 à l'Université Paris VI
Disparition dans un trou noir. Première observation des phases de la vie d'un trou noir.
Chaty S., Marti J, Mirabel I.
Published in Pour la science Numéro 243 (1998)
DAPNIA/DAp/98-18 [ Résumé ]
MEGACAM, the next generation wide-field camera for CFHT
Boulade O., Vigroux L., Charlot X., Borgeaud P., Carton P.H., de Kat J., Rousse J.Y, Mellier Y.
Talk given at Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 20-28 Mars 1998, Kona Hawaii USA
The $L_x-T$ relation and intracluster gas fractions of X-ray clusters.
Arnaud M., Evrard A.E.
Rapport Interne
Les hoquets éruptifs des jeunes étoiles.
Grosso N., Montmerle T.
Rapport Interne
Observation of a new black hole candidate : EXS 1737.9-2952.
Durouchoux P., Vilhu O., Corbel S., Wallyn P., Dwarakanath S., Huovelin J., Anantharamaiah R.,Grindlay J., Chapuis C. , et Al.
Published in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 507, Issue 2, pp. 781-793 (11/98)
(à venir)
Déconvolution d'images astronomiques par analyse multi-échelle et méthode d'entropie.
Fischer N.
Rapport Interne
Probing nuclear starburst activity in a sample of nearby spiral galaxies.
Bonatto C., Pastoriza M.G., Alloin D, Bica E.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.334, p.439-452 (06/1998)
Young tidal dwarf galaxies around the gas-rich disturbed lenticular NGC 5291.
Duc P., Mirabel I. Workshop, held at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, January 19-22, 1998, Eds.: T. Richtler and J.M. Braun, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, ISBN 3-8265-4457-9, p. 141-145,
The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies, Proceedings of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg
Article in "Actualités du ciel"
Chaty S.
Published in Actualités du ciel - décembre 1997.
Un trou noir se dévoile.
Chaty S., Marti J., Mirabel I.
Rapport Interne
Chaty S.
Published in Actualités du ciel - mars 1998.
High-frequency peaks in the power spectrum of solar velocity Observations from the GOLF experiment.
Garcia R. , Palle P., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Rapport Interne
A deep X-ray low state of AM Herculis.
de Martino D., Gansicke B., Matt G., Mouchet M., Belloni T., Beuermann K., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M. et Al.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.333, p.L31-L34 (05/1998)
Allan Sandage : l'architecte de l'expansion.
Bonnet-Bidaud J.M.
Rapport Interne
(à venir)
DAPNIA/DAp/98-33 [ Résumé ]
Non equilibrium thermodynamics and cosmological pancakes formation
Teyssier R., Chieze J.P., Alimi J.M.
Published in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 509, Issue 1, pp. 62-73 (12/98)
1. The Solar Core
Brun A., Turck-Chièze S., Morel P.
Rapport Interne
Composition and opacity in the solar interior.
Turck-Chièze S.
Published in Space Science Reviews, v. 85, Issue 1/2, p. 125-132 (1998).
The converging inflow spectrum is an intrinsic signature for a black hole: Monte-Carlo simulations of Comptonization on free-falling electrons.
Laurent P., Titarchuk L.
Rapport Interne
The shape of the unidentified infra-red bands: analytical fit to ISOCAM spectra.
Boulanger F., Boissel P., Cesarsky D., Ryter C.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.339, p.194-200 (11/1998)
Les noeuds des structures
Pierre M.
Rapport Interne
Are solar granules the only source of acoustic oscillations ?
Foglizzo T.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.339, p.261-271 (11/1998)
Are solar acoustic modes correlated ?
Foglizzo T., Garcia R., Boumier P., Charra J., Gabriel A., Grec G., Robillot J., Roca cortes T., Turck-Chièze S., Ulrich R.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 330 (1998), 341-350
DAPNIA/DAp/98-41 [ Résumé ]
The ISOCAM detectors: an overview
Boulade O., Gallais P.
Talk given at ISO detector workshop, VILSPA, Espagne, 14-16 janvier 1998
Dust formation in supernovae
Lagage P.
Talk given at International School of Space Chemistry. Formation and Evolution of Solids in Space, Erice, Italie,1998/03/10 - 1998/03/21
ISO Observations of freshly synthesized supernova material.
Lagage P.
Rapport Interne
Dust formation in supernovae
Lagage P., Douvion T., Ballet J., Boulanger F., Cesarsky C., Cesarsky D., Claret A.
Talk given at Solid interstellar matter: the ISO resolution, Les Houches, FRA, 1998/02/02 - 1998/02/06
Lagage P., Rio Y.
Rapport Interne
The carbon star IRAS 06088+1909
Richichi A., Stecklum B., Herbst T., Lagage P., Thamm E.
Rapport Interne
The Chamaeleon infrared nebula revisited.Infrared imaging and spectroscopy of a young stellar object
Feldt M., Henning T., Lagage P., Manske V., Schreyer K., Stecklum B.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 332 Numéro III (1998), 849-856
The solar neutrino puzzle: the way ahead.
Turck-Chièze S.
Published in New Astronomy, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 325-332
Dynamique non-linéaire dans les disques galactiques : le lien spirale-gauchissements.
Masset F.
These de Docteur en Sciences, soutenue le 27 Novembre 1997 a l'Univ. Paris VII
DAPNIA/DAp/98-50 []
SIGMA and XTE observations of the soft X-ray transient XTEJ1755-324
Goldoni P., Vargas M., Goldwurm A., Paul J., Borrel V., Jourdain E., Bouchet L., Roques J-P, Revnivtsev M., Churazov E., Gilfanov M., Sunyaev R., Dyachkov A., Khavenson N., Tserenin I., Kuleshova N.
Published in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 511, Issue 2, pp. 847-851
The system LS 5039: a new massive radio emitting X-ray binary.
Marti J., Paredes J., Ribo M.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 338 Numéro II (1998), L71-L74
Search for the optical and infrared counterpart of GRS 1758-258.
Marti J., Mereghetti S., Chaty S., Mirabel I., Goldoni P., Rodriguez L.
Rapport Interne
Dust in the wheel: the cartwheel galaxy in the Mid-IR.
Charmandaris V., Laurent O., Mirabel I., Gallais P., Sauvage M., Vigroux L., Cesarsky C., Appleton P.N.
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.341, p.69-73 (01/1999)
DAPNIA/DAp/98-54 [ Résumé]
Search for a g-mode frequencies in the GOLF oscillations spectrum.
Gabriel A, Turck-Chièze S., Garcia R., et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
DAPNIA/DAp/98-55 [ Résumé]
Solar structure: models and inversions.
Turck-Chièze S., Basu S.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
Contributions to the SOHO6/GONG98 workshop: Instrument GOLF.
Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S.
Rapport Interne
Contributions to the SOHO6/GONG98 workshop: Interpretation.
Brun A., Foglizzo T., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S.
Rapport Interne
Stability study of the GOLF blue wing working cycle.
Robillot J., Turck-Chièze S., Garcia R., Boumier P., et Al.
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/DAp/98-59 [ Résumé]
The integrated magnetic field of the sun as seen by GOLF.
Garcia R., Boumier P., Foglizzo T., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
Calibration of the GOLF velocity signal.
Ulrich R., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S., et Al.
Rapport Interne
The solar acoustic spectrum as seen by "GOLF". I. The difficult case: modes with n<10.
Regulo C., Varadi F., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S., et Al.
Rapport Interne
The solar acoustic spectrum as seen by GOLF. II. Noise statistics background and methods of analysis.
Roca cortes T., Bertello L., Lazrek M., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Rapport Interne
The solar acoustic spectrum as seen by GOLF. III. Asymetries, resonant frequencies and splittings.
Roca Cortes T., Lazrek M., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Rapport Interne
The solar acoustic spectrum as seen by GOLF. IV. Linewidth, power and energy of the modes.
Roca Cortes T., Bertello L., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/DAp/98-65 [ Résumé]
Comparison of the calibrated MDI and GOLF signals. / I. Time series.
Henney C., Ulrich R., Bertello L., et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
Comparison of the calibrated MDI and GOLF signals. I. Time series.
Henney C., Ulrich R., Bertello L., et Al.
Rapport Interne
Comparison of the calibrated MDI and GOLF signals. II. Power spectra.
Henney C., Bertello L., Ulrich R., et Al.
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/DAp/98-67 [ Résumé]
Comparison of the calibration MDI and GOLF signals. III. p.mode frequencies and splittings.
Bertello L., Henney C., Ulrich R., et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
DAPNIA/DAp/98-68 [ Résumé]
Comparison of the calibration MDI and GOLF signals. IV. p.mode energy budget.
Bertello L., Ulrich R., Henney C., et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
DAPNIA/DAp/98-69 [ Résumé]
Comparison of the calibrated MDI and GOLF signals. V. The low frequency p.modes.
Varadi F., Ulrich R., Bertello L., et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
DAPNIA/DAp/98-70 [ Résumé]
On the presence of the solar 160-min signal in GOLF data.
Palle P., Roca Cortes T., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
The exact fractions technique applied to the search of solar gravity modes.
Palle P., Roca Cortes T., Garcia R., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/DAp/98-72 [ Résumé]
Sensitivity of the sound speed to the physical processes included in the standard solar model framework.
Turck-Chièze S., Basu S., Berthomieu G., Brun A. , et Al.
Talk given at Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop
Macroscopic processes in the solar interior.
Brun S., Turck-Chièze S., Zahn J.P.
Rapport Interne
Predictions of the solar neutrino fluxes and the solar gravity mode frequencies from the solar sound speed profile.
Turck-Chièze S., Brun S., Chieze J.P, Garcia R.
Rapport Interne
High-frequency peaks in the power spectrum of solar velocity observations from the GOLF experiment.
Garcia R., Palle P., Turck-Chièze S. , et Al.
Published in Astrophysical Journal Letters v.504, p.L51 (09/98)
Is convection the only source of p modes excitation ?
Foglizzo T.
Rapport Interne
Contribution des matériaux passifs sur les raies de bruit de fond du spectromètre d'INTEGRAL.
Diallo N., Cordier B., Collin M., Albernhe F.
Talk given at the fourth Compton Symposium, 1997/04/27 - 1997/04/30, p 1559-1566
Proton induced background in the integral spectrometer (SPI) germanium detectors.
Diallo N., Collin M., Bersillon O., Cordier B., Morel P., Frehaut J.
Talk given at 2nd Integral Workshop : 'The Transparent Universe', 16-20 sept 96, St Malo (FRA), European Space Agency, vol. 382, p. 631-634
Impacts of the shield thickness on the induced background.
Diallo N., Collin M., Bersillon O., Cordier B. et al.
Talk given at (SPIE) International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation:Gamma Ray and Cosmic Ray Detectors, Techniques and Missions, Denver (USA), 1996/08/04 - 1996/08/09, p 545-550
The warm interstellar medium around the Cygnus Loop.
Bohigas J., Sauvageot J.L., Decourchelle A.
Rapport Interne
Effects of energetic radiation in young stellar objects.
Glassgold E., Feigelson E.D., Montmerle T.
Rapport Interne
High energy processes in young stellar objects.
Feigelson E.D., Montmerle T.
Rapport Interne
A dusty blue compact galaxy: ISOCAM observations of SBS 0335-052.
Sauvage M., Madden S., Thuan T.X.
Rapport Interne
Dust in an extremely metal-poor galaxy: mid-infrared observations of SBS 0335-052
Thuan T.X, Sauvage M., Madden S.
Rapport Interne
Topological lens effects in universes with non-euclidean compact spatial sections
Lehoucq R., Luminet J.P, Uzan J.P
Rapport Interne
Multiwavelength observations of GX 339-4 in 1996: I. Daily light curves and X-ray and Gamma-ray spectroscopy
Smith I.A, Durouchoux Ph., Corbel S. et al.
Rapport Interne
Barred spirals observed in the mid-infrared
Roussel H., Vigroux L., Sauvage M., Gallais P., Madden S. et al.
Rapport Interne
ISOCAM observations of young supernova remnants
Douvion T., Lagage P.O, Ballet J., Boulanger F. , Cesarsky C., Cesarsky D.a, Claret A.
Rapport Interne
An integrable Hamiltonian motion on a sphere: II. The separation of variables
Gaffet B.
Published in Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and General Physics, 1998 31 PII, p 8341-8354
Spectroscopic classification of X-ray selected stars in the $ ho$ Ophiuchi star-forming region and vicinity.
Martin E.L., Montmerle T., Gregorio-Hetem J., Casanova S.
Published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 300 (1998) 733-746
Proto-étoiles et Rayons X. Eruptions quasi-périodiques en rayons X de la proto-étoile infrarouge YLW15.
Grosso N., Montmerle T.
Apport de XMM et INTEGRAL à la Physique de l'Accretion et des Jets - 98, Strasbourg (France), 03-05/11/98. Proc. (1999), 27-32


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