Lundi 09/01/2012, 11:30
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
First evidence for CP Violation in charm decays at LHCb
Lundi 16/01/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Radioastronomie (sub)-millimétrique du futur : IRAM/NOEMA et ALMA
Jérôme Pety
Mardi 24/01/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Resultats récents des recherches du boson de Higgs au LHC
LAL, Orsay
Lundi 30/01/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Neutrino astronomy with IceCube and beyond
Marek Kowalski
Univ. Bonn
Jeudi 09/02/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Lundi 13/02/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Trapped Antihydrogen - Stable, Neutral Antimatter
J.S. Hangst
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, and Spokesperson, the ALPHA collaboration at CERN
Lundi 27/02/2012, 14:30
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
LHC: Résumé du Workshop de Chamonix
Lundi 05/03/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
SUperSYmmetry search at LHC: The case for stop
LIP, Lisbonne
Mercredi 14/03/2012, 14:30
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam
Lundi 26/03/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Accélération de particules par laser
Mardi 10/04/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Understanding nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC
Jean-Yves Ollitrault
Vendredi 27/04/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Résumé des conférences d'hiver
Frédéric Deliot / Jean-Marc Le Goff
Mercredi 02/05/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Recent Results from the KamLAND-Zen Experiment
Mercredi 09/05/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
New W-boson-mass results from the Tevatron
LPSC Grenoble
Lundi 14/05/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Lorentz Violation, gravity, dissipation and holography
Jeudi 24/05/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Observation of Electron Antineutrino Disappearance by the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
Christopher White
Illinois Institute of Technology
Lundi 11/06/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Constraints on dark energy and modified gravity models from CFHTLenS weak lensing
Martin Kilbinger
Lundi 18/06/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Searches for Dark Matter in Monojet and Monophoton Events at CMS
Lundi 25/06/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
The low energy frontier: searches for ultra-light particles beyond the Standard Model
Axel Lindner
Mercredi 04/07/2012, 09:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Lundi 17/09/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
The LHC upgrades in luminosity and energy: options and plan.
Lucio Rossi
Lundi 01/10/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Résumé des conférences de l'été
E. Moulin - M. Boonekamp
Lundi 15/10/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Higgs mass implications on the fate of the electroweak vacuum
Gino Isidori
INFN - Frascati National Laboratories
Lundi 22/10/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Marc Schumann
University of Zurich
Lundi 05/11/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
La nature de la matière noire: Où en sommes nous?
Bernard Sadoulet
University of California at Berkeley
Lundi 12/11/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Do galactic cosmic rays influence cloud formation?
Jonathan Duplissy
University of Helsinki
Lundi 19/11/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Energie noire: premiers résultats de BOSS (SDSS-III)
Christophe Yèche
Lundi 03/12/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Supersymmetry searches at ATLAS
Pascal Pralavorio
Lundi 10/12/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
A la recherche des modes B de polarisation du rayonnement fossile: vers de nouveaux instruments
Michel Piat
Lundi 17/12/2012, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Un florilège de découvertes avec Fermi
Isabelle Grenier