Jun 08, 2020

After more than four years of research and development, design and manufacturing work, the MFT (Muon Forward Tracker), a new detector that will equip the ALICE experiment at the LHC, has seen its construction finalized and is currently under commissioning at CERN. In order to limit as far as possible the amount of material crossed by the particles, the conception of this detector has required the development of many innovative techniques and procedures, particularly in the integration of silicon sensors on flexible hybrid circuits called ladders, for which Irfu was responsible within the project. It took two years to manufacture the 500 ladders of the MFT, and a very long sequence of operations was the subject of numerous studies under the responsibility of the Irfu Antenna team at CERN. The production of these ladders has just been successfully completed and it is therefore time to make a short assessment

Dec 08, 2020

In 2016, the announcement of the first direct detection of gravitational waves opened a new window of observation to probe our universe in a new way. The LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) space observatory promoted by ESA (European Space Agency) will allow the direct detection of gravitational waves undetectable by terrestrial interferometers. Its launch is planned by ESA in 2034 and many current works are exploring its scientific potential, in particular through the LISA Data Challenges aimed at exploiting realistic pseudo-data. Researchers from DEDIP and DPHN at IRFU have recently developed new methods for the detection of gravitational waves inspired by similar problems in image processing applied to astrophysics. These methods were successfully used in the last LISA Data Challenge.  This work, published in the journal Physical Review D [1], opens the way to many other studies and is the result of a transverse approach combining physics and signal processing.

Jul 11, 2020

That's one wall the White Walkers won't cross. An international collaboration bringing together the IRFU (Université Paris-Saclay), the Astronomy Institute of the University of Hawaii, the LPC (Université Clermont Auvergne), the IP2I (Université Claude Bernard de Lyon), and the Racah Institute of Physics (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), has discovered an immense structure in the distribution of galaxies, called the "South Pole Wall".

Thanks to a method based on the velocity fields of galaxies, this region of the sky, previously unknown because it is masked by molecular clouds and dust located in the foreground of our galaxy, brings a new piece to the puzzle of the cosmic web of our nearby Universe. This cosmic web consists of nodes connected by filaments, separating voids. Galaxies are pulled from the voids to the filaments and then to the gravitational attractors located at the nodes of the web. The filaments, sandwiched between the voids, can take a flattened shape to form walls.

The South Pole Wall has a huge rectilinear section (220 Mpc) at the ends of which it curves to follow the Laniakea border.

These works are published in APJ journal https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab9952

Jun 08, 2020

After more than four years of research and development, design and manufacturing work, the MFT (Muon Forward Tracker), a new detector that will equip the ALICE experiment at the LHC, has seen its construction finalized and is currently under commissioning at CERN. In order to limit as far as possible the amount of material crossed by the particles, the conception of this detector has required the development of many innovative techniques and procedures, particularly in the integration of silicon sensors on flexible hybrid circuits called ladders, for which Irfu was responsible within the project. It took two years to manufacture the 500 ladders of the MFT, and a very long sequence of operations was the subject of numerous studies under the responsibility of the Irfu Antenna team at CERN. The production of these ladders has just been successfully completed and it is therefore time to make a short assessment

Jun 08, 2020

After more than four years of research and development, design and manufacturing work, the MFT (Muon Forward Tracker), a new detector that will equip the ALICE experiment at the LHC, has seen its construction finalized and is currently under commissioning at CERN. In order to limit as far as possible the amount of material crossed by the particles, the conception of this detector has required the development of many innovative techniques and procedures, particularly in the integration of silicon sensors on flexible hybrid circuits called ladders, for which Irfu was responsible within the project. It took two years to manufacture the 500 ladders of the MFT, and a very long sequence of operations was the subject of numerous studies under the responsibility of the Irfu Antenna team at CERN. The production of these ladders has just been successfully completed and it is therefore time to make a short assessment

Nov 13, 2020

ESA has adopted Ariel (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey), the 4th medium-class space mission of its Cosmic Vision program. Ariel is expected to be launched in 2029 by Ariane 6 from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou. The French team, composed of CNES, CEA and CNRS, has taken charge of the design, production and delivery of the AIRS spectrometer. Pierre Olivier Lagage, astrophysicist at Irfu, is one of the 2 co-PI for the ARIEL consortium; the other co-PI is Jean-Philippe Beaulieu from IAP.



Sep 25, 2020

A year and a half after the delivery of the prototype cryomodule (CM00) to ESS, the first production medium beta cryomodule (CM01) has now arrived at the ESS site. It left CEA on September 22, 2020 for a two-day trip to Lund, Sweden. The Irfu teams had previously validated the RF and cryogenic performances of this cryomodule. It will be tested again on the ESS test bench before being integrated in its final position in the accelerator tunnel. This is a first step. Starting next year, ESS will receive an average of one cryomodule per month for 3 years.


Dec 10, 2020

Within the framework of a collaborative project between the DES/DDSD and the DRF/IRFU, a feasibility study of muography potential for the auscultation of nuclear reactors was initiated in 2017. After an initial evaluation phase carried out by IRFU using numerical modelling, first data were taken on the G2 reactor block, located at CEA Marcoule and shut down in the early 1980s, from February 2020. These measurements demonstrated the potential of the technique, identifying differences between the  current structure of the G2 reactor and the 3D model created from the original plans of the installation. These initial results demonstrate the interest of using muography in the clean-up and dismantling of nuclear facilities, one of the CEA's  priorities nowadays. For the next phase of the project, a 3D tomography of the reactor is envisaged by combining images taken from different positions. It could  be the first 3D image of the interior of a reactor  at dismantling phase without using any artificial ionizing radiation. This will provide a new inspection tool to the existing palette.

Jun 28, 2020

In its standard form, double beta decay is a process in which a nucleus decays into a different nucleus and emits two electrons and two antineutrinos (2νββ). This nuclear transition is very rare, but it was detected in several nuclei with sophisticated experiments. If neutrinos are their own antiparticles, it’s possible that the antineutrinos emitted during double beta decay annihilate one another and disappear. This is called neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), a phenomenon never observed so far. If 0νββ is detected, we will ascertain that neutrinos are their own antiparticles, and this would be a clue as to why they get their tiny masses—and whether they played a part in the existence of our matter-dominated universe. 

The CUPID-Mo experiment, installed at the Modane Underground Laboratory, after one year of data between March 2019 and April 2020 has just set a new global limit for the detection of the signature 0νββ.


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