MUSETT: A segmented Si array for Recoil-Decay-Tagging studies at VAMOS

A new segmented silicon-array called MUSETT has been built for the study of heavy elements using the Recoil-Decay-Tagging technique. MUSETT is located at the focal plane of the VAMOS spectrometer at GANIL and is used in conjunction with a gamma-ray array at the target position. This device consists of four 10x10 cm2 Si detectors each, to obtain a total detection area of  40 x 10 cm2.



MUSETT, a Wall of Silicon detectors for the Study of Transfermiums via Tagging technique.

Given the high number of electronics channels needed and the space constraints, highly integrated ASICs electronics have been used. The ATHED chip (ASICs for Time and High Energy Deposit) is the latest version of the MATE chip developed for the MUST2 project. The ASICs that operate 16 strips are grouped by 4 units on the COFEE4 mother boards (designed by IPN Orsay), which provide the power supply, input/output and slow control interfaces.

This device was commissioned at GANIL with the EXOGAM gamma-ray spectrometer using the fusion–evaporation reaction 197Au(22Ne,5n)214Ac.


Reference : Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 747 (2014) 69–80.

Contact (SPhN, LENA) : Christophe Theisen.

#4244 - Last update : 12/11 2017


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