Instrumentation - 1998

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2016 -

DAPNIA-98-01 [ Résumé ]
Development of a fast gaseous detector "Micromegas"
G. Barouch et al
Published in Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Research A423 (1999) 32-48
DAPNIA/SED/98-01 [ Papier, 125 Ko]
Sol-gel coating of scintillating crystals
R. Chipaux, M. Géléoc
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol 47, issue 6, pp 2020-2023
DAPNIA/SED/98-02 [ Papier, 125 Ko]
Optical anisotropy effects in lead tungstate crystals
R. Chipaux, M. Géléoc
The 5th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications (SCINT-99); 16-20/08/1999, Moscou, Russie
DAPNIA/SED/98-03 [ Papier, 182 Ko]
Modelisation and simulation of the light collection in the CMS lead tungstate crystals
R. Chipaux, M. Géléoc
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol 451, issue 3, pp 610-622
DAPNIA/STCM/98-01 [ Papier, 127 Ko]
Calcul théorique des pertes par courants de couplage à l'intérieur d'un brin Nb3Sn de type "étain interne"
R. Otmani
Rapport Interne
Features of 10-m-long, 50-mm-twin-aperture LHC dipole magnet prototypes
A. Devred
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/STCM/98-03 [ Papier, 70 Ko]
Etude des differents types de pertes dans des cables supraconducteurs fabriques par le LBL a partir de brin Nb3Sn de type ITER/IGC
R. Otmani
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/STCM/98-04 [ Papier, 127 Ko]
Calcul théorique de la magnétisation d'un brin multifilamentaire
R. Otmani
Rapport Interne
DAPNIA/STCM/98-05 [ Papier, 273 Ko]
Calcul théorique des pertes par courants de couplage dans un câble de type Rutherford
R. Otmani
Rapport Interne
Thermal stability of large AI-stabilized superconducting magnets. Theoritical analysis of CMS solenoid.
F.P. Juster, P. Fabbricatore
Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Cryogenic Engineering (ICEC 17), Bournemouth (England), 14-17 July 1997.
Prepared for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Revised for the Proceedings of CERN Accelerator Scholl on Measurement and Alignment of Accelerator and Detector Magnets.
A. Devred
Study of heater efficiency in the ATLAS Barel Toroid Magnet.
Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Cryogenic Engineering (ICEC 17), Bournemouth (UK), July 14-17, 1998
Development of current leads using electrolytically deposited BSCCO 2212 tapes
Talk given at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98), Palm Desert, CA (U.S.A.), September 13-18, 1998
J. Le Bars, T. Dechambre, P. Regnier
Status of the B0 model of the ATLAS Barrel Toroïd coil.
Talk given at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98), Palm Desert, CA (U.S.A.), September 13-18, 1998
J. Belorgey, C. Berriaud, R. Berthier, D. Cacaut, A. Dael, B.Gallet, B. Gastineau, M. Jacquemet, C. Lesmond, C. Mayri, Pabot Y., J.M. Rey, H. Van Hille, Z. Sun, L. Chevalier et al.
Status report on the CMS superconducting solenoid for LHC
F. Kircher, B. Levesy, Y. Pabot et al.,
Talk given at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98), Palm Desert, CA (U.S.A.), September 13-18, 1998
Paper presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98), Palm Desert, CA (U.S.A.), September 13-18, 1998.
A. Devred, L. Bacquart, P. Bredy, C.E. Bruzek, Y. Laumond, R.Otmani, T. Schild
Projet de quadrupôle niobium-étain- Etude de stabilité en régime transitoire - Influence du RRR et de la porosité à l’hélium
F.-P. Juster


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