Instrumentation - 2006

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2016 -

DAPNIA-06-44 [ Papier, 10.7 Mo]
Modélisation de l'imageur JWST.
P. Graffin
Mémoire de stage
DAPNIA-06-50 [ Résumé]
DEMIN: A neutron spectrometer, Micromegas-type, for inertial confinement fusion experiments
M. Houry, E. Delagnes, D. Riz, B. Canaud, L. Disdier, F. Garaude, Y. Giomataris, V.Yu. Glebov, Ph. Legou, Ph. Rebourgeard, C. Sangster
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 0 (2006) 648
DAPNIA-06-53 [ Résumé Papier, 937 Ko]
Morphological diversity and source separation.
J. Bobin, Y. Moudden, J.L. Starck, M. Elad
IEEE Signal processing Letters
DAPNIA-06-55 [ Résumé Papier, 7.6 Mo]
Weak lensing mass reconstruction using wavelets.
J.L. Starck, S. Pires, A. Réfrégier
Astronomy and Astrophysics
DAPNIA-06-60 [ Résumé Papier, 231 Ko]
Thermal design of the CFRP support struts for the spatial framework of the Herschel Space Observatory
P.C. McDonald, E. Jaramillo, B. Baudouy
Cryogenics 46 (2006) 298
DAPNIA-06-94 [ Résumé Papier, 102 Ko]
Neutron induced effects in monolithic active pixel sensors
N.T. Fourches, M. Besançon,Y. Degerli,Y. Li,P. Lutz,F. Orsini
Rapport interne
DAPNIA-06-119 [ Résumé Papier, 911 Ko]
Software management for the alignment system of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
J.-C Barriere, F.Bauer, O. Cloué, B. Duboué, M. Fontaine, A. Formica, P.F. Giraud, V. Gautard, C. Guyot, P.Ponsot, Y. Reinert, A. Richardson, Ph. Schune
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics - CHEP06, Mumbai (Inde), du 13/02/2006 au 17/02/2006
DAPNIA-06-128 [ Résumé Papier, 1.9 Mo]
Heat and mass transfer in nucleate boiling regime of He I in a natural circulation loop
L. Benkheira, M. Souhar, B. Baudouy
2005 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Keystone, Co (USA), du 29/08/2005 au 02/09/2005
Eds. AIP, Proc. 51 (2006) 871
DAPNIA-06-129 [ Résumé Papier, 206 Ko]
Heat transfer through porous media in static superfluid helium
Baudouy B., Juster F.-P., Allain H.,Prouzet E., Larbot A., Maekawa, R.
2005 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Keystone, Co (USA), du 29/08/2005 au 02/09/2005
Eds. AIP, Proc. 51 (2006) 409
DAPNIA-06-130 [ Résumé Papier, 217 Ko]
Experimental and numerical studies on thermal hydraulic characteristics of He II through porous media
Hamaguchi S., Maekawa R., Okamura T., Baudouy B.
2005 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Keystone, Co (USA), du 29/08/2005 au 02/09/2005
Eds. AIP, Proc. 51 (2006) 105
DAPNIA-06-131 [ Résumé Papier, 186 Ko]
Experimental and Theoretical study of a two phase helioum high circulation loop
Brédy, Ph Juster, F.-P. Baudouy, B Benkheira, L Cazanou, M
2005 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Keystone, Co (USA), du 29/08/2005 au 02/09/2005
Eds. AIP, Proc. 51 (2006) 496
DAPNIA-06-166 [ Résumé Papier, 146 Ko]
Design of the ANTARES LCM-DAQ Board Test Bench using a FPGA-based System-on-Chip approach
S. Anvar, P. Kestener, H. Le Provost
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
DAPNIA-06-172 [ Résumé Papier, 4.2 Mo]
The Herschel/PACS 2560 bolometers imaging camera
Nicolas Billot, Patrick Agnese, Jean-Louis Augueres, Alain Beguin, Andre Bouere, Olivier Boulade, Christophe Cara, Christelle Cloue, Eric Doumayrou, Lionel Duband, Benoit Horeau, Isabelle Le Mer, Jean Le Pennec, Jerome Martignac, Koryo Okumura, Vincent Reveret, Louis Rodriguez, Marc Sauvage, Francois Simoens and Laurent Vigroux
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Orlando (USA), du 24/05/2006 au 31/05/2006
Eds. SPIE, Proc. 6265, 11 (2006)
DAPNIA-06-173 [ Résumé Papier, 216 Ko]
Recent Achievements on the Development of the HERSCHEL/PACS Bolometer arrays
Billot N., Agnese P., Boulade O., Cigna C., Doumayrou E., Horeau B., Lepennec J., Martignac J., Pornin J.-L., Reveret V., Rodriguez L., Sauvage M., Simoens F., Vigroux L.
Beaune 2005 - New Developments in Photodetection, Beaune (France), du 19/06/2005 au 24/06/2005
DAPNIA-06-246 [ Résumé Papier, 3.4 Mo]
First results of the instrumentation line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar et al., collaboration ANTARES
Astroparticle physics
DAPNIA-06-252 [ Résumé Papier, 337 Ko]
The data acquisition system for the ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar et al., collaboration Antares
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
DAPNIA-06-332 [ Résumé Papier, 111 Ko]
High rate applications of Micromegas and prospects
I. Giomataris
SNIC conference, SLAC (USA), du 03/04/2006 au 06/04/2006
DAPNIA-06-336 [ Résumé Papier, 189 Ko]
Contrôle commande d'un liquéfacteur d'hélium
J. Belorgey
Cea Technologies
DAPNIA-06-355 [ Résumé Papier, 93 Ko]
Fast Neutron irradiation of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors dedicated to particle detection
N.T Fourches,M.Besançon,Y.Li,P.Lutz,F.Orsini
The International Workshops on Radiation Imaging Detectors - IWORID 8, Pisa (Italie), du 02/07/2006 au 06/07/2006
Eds. Elsevier
DAPNIA-06-368 [ Résumé Papier, 294 Ko]
Régimes d’ébullition convective d’un écoulement thermosiphon en hélium normal (4.2 K)
L. Benkheira, B. Baudouy, M. Souhar
Société Française des Thermiciens - Congrès français de thermique, Ile de Ré (France), du 16/05/2006 au 19/05/2006
Proc. (2006) 149
DAPNIA-06-493 [ Papier, 294 Ko]
Installation of the french high intensity proton injector at Saclay
P-Y. Beauvais, R. Duperrier, R. Gobin, P. Ausset
Rapport interne
DAPNIA-06-597 [ Résumé Papier, 379 Ko]
A Low Power Multi-Channel Single Ramp ADC With up to 3.2 GHz Virtual Clock
E. Delagnes, D. Breton, F. Lugiez, and R. Rahmanifard
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
IEEE 2006 Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego (USA), du 29/10/2006 au 04/11/2006
DAPNIA-06-641 [ Résumé Papier, 3.1 Mo]
A Multigigahertz Analog Memory with Fast Read-out for the H.E.S.S.-II Front-End
E. Delagnes, F. Feinstein, P. Goret, P. Nayman, J.-P. Tavernet, F. Toussenel, P. Vincent
IEEE 2006 Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego (USA), du 29/10/2006 au 04/11/2006
DAPNIA-06-697 [ Résumé Papier, 1.3 Mo]
14-Bit and 2GS/s Low Power Digitizing Boardsfor Physics Experiments
D. Breton, E. Delagnes
, (), du // au //
DAPNIA-06-752 [ Résumé Papier, 3.5 Mo]
The manufacture of modules for CMS coil
P. Fabbricatore, D. Campi, C. D'Urzo, S. Farinon, A. Gaddi, M.Greco, B. Levesy L. Loche, R. Musenich, F. Rondeaux, R. Penco
19th Int. Conference on Magnet Technology, Genes (Italie), du 18/09/2005 au 23/09/2005
Proc. 16, 2 (2006) 512


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