Dr. Florent Renaud

Born on the 12th January 1985 (39 years old) in La Roche Sur Yon (France).

Publications, talks

You will find a list of publications and talks in my Publications page!

Research experience

2014- Postdoc fellow
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
2011-14 Postdoc fellow (3.5 years)
Service d'Astrophysique, CEA-Saclay, Paris, France
2010 Visiting fellow (3 months)
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK
2007-10 PhD Student (3 years)
Institut für Astronomie of Vienna, Austria
Observatoire de Strasbourg, France
2007 Research assistant (6 months)
NASA Herschel Science Center, IPAC, Caltech - Pasadena, USA
2005 Research assistant (2 months)
Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, France


2007-10 PhD Thesis: Dynamics of the tidal fields & formation of star clusters in galaxy mergers.
Titles of Doctor rerum naturalium and Doctor Philosopiae in Astrophysics, with honors
Universität Wien (Austria) and Université de Strasbourg (France)
Supervisors: Christian Theis (Vienna) and Christian Boily (Strasbourg)
2006-07 Master in Astrophysics, Université de Strasbourg
2004-07 Engineering degree, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)
(Three-years course in physics, signal processing, IT, automation, electronics and management.)

Teaching, popularisation

2014 Invited professor: ISIMA program (July-August 2014)
Gravitational Dynamics, CITA, Toronto
Supervision of Paolo Bianchini's project on Star Clusters in Galactic Cores (6 weeks)
2014 Invited public presentation (16 June 2014)
Kiosque Citoyen, Rennes
2014 Invited lecturer at the winter school Multi-wavelength astrophysics in the data avalanche era (January 2014)
The numerical snowplow: large volumes of data from simulations, Strasbourg
2012-14 Scientific supervisor/advisor for several TPE and TIPE (travaux d'initiative personnelle encadrés = science projects of several months led by high school or undergraduate students)
How does a satellite remain in orbit? ; Why is the sky blue? (Rayleigh scattering) ; Stellar evolution ; Astronomy in the middle ages
2009 Tutoring, master and PhD levels (summer semester 2009)
Introduction to simulations of merging galaxies, Vienna
2008 Assistantship supervision (July - August 2008)
Dust and starburst in mergers (Poussières et flambées stellaires dans les galaxies en fusion), Strasbourg
2008 Public presentation (8 November 2008)
Long night of science 2008 (Lange Nacht der Forschung 2008), Vienna
2008 Invited public presentation (29 January 2008)
Interacting galaxies, Astronomy club of the ENSPS, Strasbourg

Memberships, services

Organizer / Moderator
Weekly Extragalactic Theoretical Journal Club, Vienna (2009-10)
Antennae Workshop, Strasbourg (1-3 March 2009)
LOC member
JENAM, Vienna (8-12 September 2008)
LOC member
Galactic and Stellar Dynamics, Strasbourg (16-20 March 2008)
Florent Renaud - last update: 11 February 2016