Publications & Talks
Publications in refereed journals
Renaud F., Bournaud F., Kraljic K. & Duc P.-A.
2014, MNRAS Letters 442, 33
Kraljic K., Renaud F., Bournaud F., Combes F., Elmegreen B., Emsellem E., & Teyssier R.
2014, ApJ 784, 112
Perret V., Renaud F., Epinat B., Amram P., Bournaud F., Contini T. & Teyssier R.
2014, A&A, 562, 1
Bournaud F., Perret V., Renaud F., Dekel A., Elmegreen B., Elmegreen D., Teyssier R., Amram P., Daddi E., Duc P.-A., Elbaz D., Epinat B., Gabor J., Juneau S., Kraljic K. & Le Floch' E.
2014, ApJ, 780, 57
Renaud F., Bournaud F., Emsellem E., Elmegreen B., Teyssier R., Alves J., Chapon D., Combes F., Dekel A., Gabor J., Hennebelle P. & Kraljic K.
2013, MNRAS, 436, 1836
Renaud F. & Gieles M.
2013, MNRAS Letters, 431, L83
Renaud F., Kraljic K. & Bournaud F.
2012, ApJ Letters, 760, L16
Hwang J.-S., Struck C., Renaud F. & Appleton P.
2012, MNRAS, 419, 1780
Renaud F., Gieles M. & Boily C.M.
2011, MNRAS, 418, 759
Renaud F., Appleton P.N. & Xu K.C.
2010, ApJ, 724, 80
Karl S.J., Naab T., Johansson P.H., Kotarba H., Boily C.M., Renaud F., & Theis C.
2010, ApJ Letters, 715, L88
Renaud F., Boily C.M., Naab T. & Theis C.
2009, ApJ, 706, 67
Renaud F., Boily C.M., Fleck J.-J., Naab T. & Theis C.
2008, MNRAS Letters, 391, L98
Reviews, Books
Duc P.-A. & Renaud F.
2013, in Tides in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Lectures Notes in Physics, 861, 327
Conference proceedings
Renaud F., Emsellem E. & Bournaud F.
Proceedings of the IAU, 303, 174
IAU303, The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus - Santa Fe, NM, USA (30-4 September 2013)
Renaud F., Bournaud F., Emsellem E., Elmegreen B. & Teyssier R.
2014, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 480, 247
Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies - Petit Jean Mountain, Ar, USA (12-16 August 2013)
Hwang J.-S., Struck C., Renaud F. & Appleton P.
2013, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 477, 291
Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe - Hualien, Taiwan (23-28 October 2011)
Labadens M., Pomarede D., Chapon D., Teyssier R., Bournaud F., Renaud F. & Grandjouan N.
2013, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 474, 287
Astronum - Kailua, Hi, USA (24-29 June 2012)
Renaud F., Theis C., Naab T. & Boily C.M.
2010, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 423, 191
Galaxy Wars - Johnson City, Tn, USA (19-22 July 2009)
Hwang J.-S., Struck C., Renaud F. & Appleton P.
2010, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 423, 232
Galaxy Wars - Johnson City, Tn, USA (19-22 July 2009)
Boily C.M., Fleck J.-J., Lançon A. & Renaud F.
2009, Astrophysics and Space Science, 324, 265
Young massive star clusters - Granada, Spain (11-14 September 2007)
Renaud F., Boily C.M. & Theis C.
2008, Astronomische Nachrichten, 329, 1050
Galactic and Stellar Dynamics 2008 - Strasbourg, France (16-20 March 2008)
Renaud F.
2010, PhD thesis (defended on 16 July 2010 in Vienna, Austria)
Simulation of high-velocity collisions in Stephan's Quintet
Renaud F.
2007, Master thesis (unpublished, defended on 24 September 2007 in Strasbourg, France)
Renaud F.
2011, Bulletin d'Information de l'Organisation Associative du Parallélisme, 70 (in French)
Hénon M., translated from French by Renaud F.
Originally published in 1961, Annales d'Astrophysique, 24, 369
Hénon M., translated from French by Renaud F.
Originally published in 1965, Annales d'Astrophysique, 28, 62
I = Invited (10) ; C = Contributed (16) ; S = Seminar (19)
(I) Seoul (3 Nov), 6th KIAS Workshop on Cosmology and Structure Formation
(I) Marseille (8 Sep), From Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation
(S) Toronto (17 July)
(I) Toronto (30 June), Gravitational dynamics
(I) Saclay (25 June), RAMSES user meeting
(I) Marseille (10 June), Semi-analytic models and hydrodynamic simulations
(C) Bonn (3 June), Modest14: The danse of stars
(C) Sapporo (21 Feb), The impact of galactic structure on star formation
(I) Strasbourg (15 Jan), Multi-wavelength in the data avalanche era
(I) Meudon (11 Dec), Structure and chemistry of the ISM
(I) Lyon (29 Oct), Galaxies and Supernovae
(I) Seoul (23 Oct), Dynamics of disk galaxies
(S) Guildford (17 Oct)
(C) Petit Jean Mnt., USA (12 Aug), Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies
(C) Aix (24 July), Physical processes of galaxy formation
(C) Cambridge, UK (9 July), Mind the gap
(C) Ringberg (25 June), Regulation of star formation
(S) Saclay (19 Apr)
(S) Durham (16 Jan)
(S) Saclay (4 Dec)
(C) Rome, Italy (28 Nov), Reading the book of globular clusters
(S) Brisbane (21 Nov)
(C) Brisbane (19 Nov), Simulations of star clusters
(S) Swinburne (14 Nov)
(S) Swinburne (9 Nov)
(C) Trieste (18 Oct), The physics of star formation
(S) Saclay (12 Oct)
(C) Heidelberg (30 July), Galactic scale star formation
(S) Strasbourg (29 June)
(S) Saclay (18 Nov)
(C) Hualien (25 Oct), Galaxy mergers in a evolving Universe
(S) Seattle (20 Sep)
(S) Saclay (29 Apr)
(C) Santiago (7 Apr), Dynamics of Low-Mass Stellar Systems
(S) Cambridge, UK (5 Oct)
(S) Strasbourg (9 Sep)
(S) Vienna (25 June)
(C) Potsdam (20 Sep), Pre-AG 2009 Workshop
(C) Johnson City (21 July), Galaxy Wars
(I) Strasbourg (3 Mar), Antennae Workshop (Chair)
(C) Vienna (12 Sep), JENAM 2008 (LOC)
(S) Vienna (28 May)
(C) Evora (23 Feb), Supercomputing and numerical techniques
(S) Vienna (10 Oct)
(S) Pasadena (29 Aug)