COAST GALLERIES Movies and pictures

Below you can find a lot of pictures and movies provided by the visualization codes SDvision and Pymses

We start with a collection of our movies for outreach on Vimeo (all movies can be downloaded) :

Some videos are presented on the Daniel Pomarède page :

Movies and videos of numerical simulations in astrophysics :

'L'Univers Numerique', a 17mn movie (2017) presenting the recent IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version (in french)
'L'Univers Numerique', a 17mn movie (2017) presenting the recent IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 2D version (in french)

'The Digital Universe', a 17mn movie (2017) presenting the recent IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version (in english)
'The Digital Universe', a 17mn movie (2017) presenting the recent IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 2D version (in english)

'La fontaine des supernovae', a movie (2017) presenting physical and numerical simulations of a supernovae (en francais) 3D version

'The new Strugarek show', a sequence(2019) presenting Sun simulations by Antoine Strugarek 3D version

'Old planet sequence', by Antoine Strugarek 3D version

'UN extrait cosmology', 3D version

'UN extrait Sun', 3D version

'L'Univers Recalculé', a 14mn movie (2011) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version (in french)
'L'Univers Recalculé', a 14mn movie (2011) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 2D version (in french)

'Computing the Universe', a 14mn movie (2011) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version (in english)
'Computing the Universe', a 14mn movie (2011) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 2D version (in english)

'Presentation salle Galilée (PPTX)', Presentation PPTX

Video of the formation of the Antennae Galaxies 3D stereo version
Video of the formation of the Antennae Galaxies 2D version

COSMO3D, a 9mn movie (2009) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version
COSMO3D, a 9mn movie (2009) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 2D version

Radiation MHD simulation of a stratified disk 2D version

Horizon galaxy formation simulation 2D version

Movies and videos of cosmography, i.e. cartography of our Universe :

'The Laniakea supercluster', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea vimeo page 2D versions
'The Laniakea supercluster'', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea 3D version (in english) direct download
'Notre superamas Laniakea', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea 2D compressed version (in french popularized comment) direct download
'Notre superamas Laniakea', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea 2D version (in french popularized comment) direct download
'Notre superamas Laniakea', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea 3D version (in french popularized comment) direct download
'Notre superamas Laniakea', a 7mn movie (2014) presenting the discovery of our supercluster Laniakea 3D version (in french scientific comment) direct download

'Cosmography of the Universe', a 17mn movie (2013) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics 3D stereo version (in english) direct download
'Cosmography of the Universe', a 17mn movie (2013) presenting the IRFU numerical simulations in Astrophysics vimeo page all 2D versions

Below a list of links on pages containing videos and images coming from different visualization of past simulations :

We start with the most recent pages :

Reionization gallery (images)
Reionization gallery (movies)

A nice movie of accretion disk 25fps 900steps (27MB) direct download simulation by S. Fromang
RAMSES simulations of spiral galaxies simulation by F. Bournaud
RAMSES simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy on the CURIE Supercomputer at CEA/TGCC

Supernovae Remnant simulations (RAMSES simulations by Gilles Ferrand), Visualization with the SDvision code

Nuclear Physics simulations - visualization with SDvision
ALMA observation of two massive stars forming in a molecular cloud
Magnetized Core Collapse

Pillars Interstellar Medium simulations
Pinwheel simulations

Some videos from the Antennae galaxies formation simulation
MHD Turbulence in ISM

Some videos of the IFMIF accelerator beam visualization

Simulation of a polar accretion column: a nice movie linked with the physics article

Now less recent pages :

the Mare Nostrum cosmological simulation
High-resolution RAMSES simulation of the formation of a galaxy disk
Interstellar medium gallery
Stars gallery

Accretion disks movies
Interstellar Medium movies
movies of Stars simulations

Movies from Cosmology :

movies of the Mare Nostrum cosmological simulation
movies from galaxies formation
movies from New Galactica simulation
movies from Cluster6 simulation
movies from 100box simulation

Simulation of ITER plasma turbulence with the Gysela code

the Gysela page

Nice visualization of Saturne

Saturne Particle Ring Simulations
Visualization of Saturn, its rings and moons using OpenGL Shaders