The Astrophysics Department - AIM Laboratory propose from 26 to 28 Octobre 2015 the school "Space-Inn school on astero/helioseismology and stellar/solar physics" at Saclay (south of Paris), France.
Each day will have a main topic, split between Lectures in the morning for about 3 to 4 hours and then "Hands on Computer" for the reminder of the day. Coffee breaks and lunches will be complementary with no registration fees.
Day 1:
"Stellar Internal Wave Physics" by Dr. S. Mathis & Prof. M. Thompson
Lectures on the physics of waves inside stars (p, g modes, gravity-inertia-alfvenic waves) and on inversion techniques in (helio)seismology
Hands on computer: attendant will learn to develop a general p/g mode ray tracing code
Day 2:
"Asteroseismology" by Dr. R.A. Garcia & Dr. E. Corsaro
Lectures on Kepler and Corot light curves and discoveries, rotation and magnetism proxies, data signal analysis and ensemble asteroseismology
Hands on computer: data analysis of Kepler/Corot and SoHO/GOLF light curves
Day 3:
"Stellar Dynamo and Wind" by Dr. A.S. Brun and V. Reville
Lectures on the origin of solar and stellar magnetism, dynamo theory, the interplay between convection, rotation and magnetism and solar/stellar wind physics
Hands on computer: choose between the development of a 2-D mean field cartesian dynamo code or of a 2-D Parker-like wind model
The students will learn waves physics, use it to interpret light curves and make the link with the source of stellar variability and rotation history via stellar dynamo and wind theory.
Location : Astrophysics Department - AIM Laboratory, CEA Saclay (Orme des Merisiers, Bat 709, 91191 Gif sur Yvette)
For interested applicants, please send an email to both Sacha Brun ( and Rafael Garcia (
Hands-on computers exercices:
HandsOnComputers-Ray_Tracing.pdf (701 Ko) HandsOnComputerII_DIAMONDS_Software.pdf (552 Ko) HoC.pdf (267 Ko) TP2new_en.pdf (64 Ko)
Slides of the sessions:
Spaceinn_RAGarcia.pdf (54.5 Mo) Spaceinn_MJThompson.pdf (6.3 Mo) SpaceInn_Mathis-Lecture.pdf (32.9 Mo)
Spaceinn_Corsaro.pdf (3.8 Mo) SpaceInn_ASBrun.pdf (51.2 Mo)