Low Radioactivity Techniques, LRT 2006, Topical Workshop  
Sun, Oct. 1st, 2006 00:00
img The 2nd edition of the topical workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques, LRT 2006, will be held at the CNRS center in Aussois, France, between October 1st - 4th, 2006. Dark matter, double beta decay and neutrino searches require extremely low background environments for the detectors in order to increase their sensitivity towards lower and lower signals.img The workshop aims to bring together experts in the field of low radioactivity background techniques and to foster the collaboration and resource sharing required for the new generation of increased sensitivity detectors to be developed at underground facilities. Scientific topics include (but are not limited to): - Survey of existing and projected low background screening facilities, - Low level gamma-ray spectrometry and other techniques, - Pb/Bi/Po-210 and surface contamination, - Radon-free air and radon-reduction techniques, - Simulation of neutron and muon- induced backgrounds, - Low radioactivity techniques applied to other disciplines. Important dates (cf. conference web site): - September 1st 2006: abstract submission deadline. - September 15th 2006: registration deadline. The workshop builds on the success of the first workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques, held in December 2004 in Sudbury, Canada. This year’s edition will be organized by the Modane Underground Laboratory. It is partially funded by ILIAS (http://ilias.in2p3.fr/), the EU-funded project supporting Astroparticle Physics work in Europe, coordinated by DAPNIA particle physicist Gilles Gerbier.


gmiu, 2006-08-01 00:00:00


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