Challenges and Prospects for the Large-Scale Application of Superconductivity
Stephen Gourlay
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tue, Jul. 04th 2006, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay

The phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered almost 100 years ago. However, the challenges posed in exploiting the amazing property of zero electrical resistance has proven difficult in practice. So far, large-scale applications of superconductivity have been largely limited to those for which there was generally no conventional option. In these cases, superconductivity has enabled new science and technology that could not exist without it. Thanks to persistent ongoing research and the development of new materials, the field is far from exhausted. On the contrary, many new applications in addition to high field magnets for scientific research and medical applications are on the horizon. This talk will summarize the current status of large-scale applications of superconductivity and examine the prospects and challenges for new large-scale applications in the future.


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