Topical issues in nuclear spectroscopy around the N=Z line above mass 60
Robert Wadworth, University of York, UK
Tue, Sep. 28th 2010, 16:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

Studies of medium-heavy N~Z nuclei have been at the forefront of nuclear structure research for many years. However, because of the difficulties in accessing these nuclei progress on such studies has been very slow, particularly for nuclei just below 100Sn. In recent years it has proved possible to make the first inroads to studying the heaviest N=Z nuclei in the region. In the seminar I will report on some of the latest results for these nuclei as well as some interesting issues related to other lighter N~Z nuclei in the mass 60-70 region.



Contact : goergen


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