Selected topics on heavy and super-heavy nuclei
Mon, Mar. 29th 2021, 16:00

In this webinar I will review selected aspects of heavy and superheavy nuclei, starting from the discovery of transactinide nuclei in the 40th using neutron « beams ». Then, still with neutrons, I will continue with the question of the superheavy nuclei nucleosynthesis in the r-process: supernovae explosions, neutron star mergers, collapsars. These nucleosynthesis processes are strongly constrained by nuclear structure, and in particular by the fission barriers, for nuclei where no experimental data can be obtained. I will therefore discuss theoretical predictions, both for spherical magic and deformed regions. We will see how we can obtain experimentally information on not-too-heavy nuclei near the deformed shell gap Z=100 N=152. How can we deduce and in some cases measure the deformation or the electric quadrupole moment of the heaviest nuclei (spectroscopy, coulex, laser spectroscopy)? I will also discuss the theoretical difficulties and problems faced in this region. I will conclude with few flagship experimental projects such as S3 and the future NEWGAIN injector at GANIL, the possibility of re-accelerating actinide nuclei, and the synthesis using multi-nucleon transfer reactions. 


and the new YouTube channel of the GdR (RESANET_GdR):


Organizers: P. Ascher, O. Dorvaux, S. Diglio, J. Dudouet, A. Fantina, G. Henning, A. Korichi, O. Lopez, J. Margueron, G. Quemener, O. Sorlin, B. Sulignano, J.-C. Thomas, L. Thulliez, A. Uras, M. Vandebrouck, P. Van Hove, G. Verde.


Sujet : Zoom meeting invitation - Réunion Zoom GdR RESANET
Heure : 29 mars 2021 04:00 PM Paris
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 868 8647 6082
Code secret : 678343
Contact : Loïc THULLIEZ


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