New insights into fission from recent experiments: What drives fission across the nuclear chart?
Christelle SCHMITT
IPHC Strasbourg
Mon, Jun. 07th 2021, 16:00

Nuclear fission owes its name by the fact that it resembles the division of living cells. But hidden behind is the complex re-arrangement of a many-body quantum system involving two types of nucleons, the protons and the neutrons. As a consequence, the process revealed to be a rich laboratory for studying fundamental nuclear properties, in general, and dynamical aspects of nuclear reactions, in particular. The importance of fission in astrophysics and for a wide variety of societal applications is established also.
Several probes have been proposed to study fission. In this presentation, we focus on the characterization of the fission-fragment products in terms of mass, charge and energy, and on their de-excitation. Recent experimental advances in the region of actinides and neutron- deficient lead are used to demonstrate the step forward in the field made from most accurate measurements. A consistent analysis of the information collected during the last years shows that the protons – which importance was overlooked so far, are key drivers of fission over the nuclear chart. A brief discussion of state-of-the-art models is finally proposed, emphasizing the necessary theoretical development regarding the dynamical transition from a fissioning-system- to a nascent-fragment-driven process.


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ID de réunion : 894 0929 0277 Code secret : 113641
Contact : Loïc THULLIEZ


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