A short History of Nuclear Astrophysics: Part I: The Energy of Stars
IAP Paris
Mon, Jun. 21st 2021, 16:00

I will present an overview of the development of nuclear astrophysics, from its beginnings in the late 1920s, till its maturation in the late 1960s. Nuclear astrophysics emerged from the « marriage » of the old science of astronomy with the young discipline of nuclear physics, with a twofold objective: to understand the energy of the Sun and stars and the origin of the chemical elements in the Universe. Its development is intimately connected to the development of particle physics during its early period. Its history is the result of the work of some of the greatest physicists of the 20th century and it was crowned by two Nobel prizes. In the first part I will present our progressive understanding of the source of stellar energy, which was completed in the late 1930s.
In an era of evergrowing specialisation in all scientific disciplines, it is useful for students and scientists alike to gain an elementary knowledge of the history of ideas and of their development in the socio-cultural and technological context of their epoch.


The zoom link is: https://univ-lyon1-fr.zoom.us/j/82802791409?pwd=UlRROVp4QnlmUGNDRWpxbENvVzNyQT09 <https://univ-lyon1-fr.zoom.us/j/82802791409?pwd=UlRROVp4QnlmUGNDRWpxbENvVzNyQT09>

ID de réunion : 828 0279 1409
Code secret : 542795

More on: http://resanet.in2p3.fr/?page_id=1163 <http://resanet.in2p3.fr/?page_id=1163>
And the GdR YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQnzKbKdlIQrSv6kXa5n_A <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQnzKbKdlIQrSv6kXa5n_A>

Organizers: P. Ascher (CENBG Bordeaux), O. Dorvaux (IPHC Strasbourg), S. Diglio (SUBATECH Nantes), J. Dudouet (IP2I Lyon), A. Fantina (GANIL Caen), G. Henning (IPHC Strasbourg), A. Korichi (IJCLab Orsay), O. Lopez (LPC Caen), J. Margueron (IP2I Lyon), G. Quemener (LPC Caen), O. Sorlin (GANIL Caen), B. Sulignano (IRFU Saclay), J.-C. Thomas (GANIL Caen), L. Thulliez (IRFU Saclay), A. Uras (IP2I Lyon), M. Vandebrouck (IRFU Saclay), P. Van Hove (IPHC Strasbourg), G. Verde (L2IT Toulouse).


Contact : Loïc THULLIEZ


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