Description of complex quantum systems with quantum computers
IJCLab Orsay
Mon, Jul. 05th 2021, 16:00

With the arrival of the first quantum computer demonstrators, such as those developed by IBM or Google, the field of quantum computing (QC) is rapidly gaining interest and visibility. Programming on such quantum computer prototypes is still a formidable challenge, especially since they represent a disruptive technology, as widely expected. In the first part of my talk, I will make a very general introduction on quantum computing. The notion of qubits, quantum gates and circuits as well as the entanglement will be discussed. I will also briefly summarize the recent progress in quantum computer technologies and associated quantum processor units. Some resources for beginners on QC can be found at the QC2I project webpage [1].
In the second part of my talks, I will give examples of recent applications on the problem of  interacting particles that could be relevant not only for nuclear physics but also for other fields of physics and chemistry. I will show how superfluid systems can be encoded on a quantum computer. Two aspects will be discussed (i) the possibility to break and restore symmetries in QC [2] and (ii) the possibility to predicts eigenstates and long-time evolution from short time simulation on quantum computers [3].

[1] QC2I (quantum computing for the two infinities) <>
[2] Denis Lacroix,  “Symmetry-Assisted Preparation of Entangled Many-Body States on a Quantum Computer”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 230502 (2020).
[3] Edgar-Andres Ruiz-Guzman and Denis Lacroix, “Predicting ground state, excited states and long-time evolution of many-body systems from short-time evolution on a quantum computer”, arxiv: 2104.08181



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Organizers: P. Ascher (CENBG Bordeaux), O. Dorvaux (IPHC Strasbourg), S. Diglio (SUBATECH Nantes), J. Dudouet (IP2I Lyon), A. Fantina (GANIL Caen), G. Henning (IPHC Strasbourg), A. Korichi (IJCLab Orsay), O. Lopez (LPC Caen), J. Margueron (IP2I Lyon), G. Quemener (LPC Caen), O. Sorlin (GANIL Caen), B. Sulignano (IRFU Saclay), J.-C. Thomas (GANIL Caen), L. Thulliez (IRFU Saclay), A. Uras (IP2I Lyon), M. Vandebrouck (IRFU Saclay), P. Van Hove (IPHC Strasbourg), G. Verde (L2IT Toulouse).
Contact : Loïc THULLIEZ


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