Properties of exotic nuclei revealed by laser spectroscopy
Michael BLOCK
GSI Darmstadt
Mon, Nov. 22nd 2021, 16:00

Laser spectroscopy provides an experimental route to determine nuclear properties using an electron in the atomic shell as a sensitive probe. For example, from the isotope shift of an atomic transition reflects changes in the mean-square charge radius of the nucleus. The hyperfine splitting of an atomic transition carries information on the nuclear spin and allow us to determine electromagnetic nuclear moments that provide information on the nuclear deformation and configuration. It is of particular interest to perform such measurements in exotic nuclei far from stability where the nuclear structure changes compared to stable nuclei and new phenomena may occur. However, laser spectroscopy of exotic nuclides is challenging since they have to be produced at accelerator facilities resulting in small yields, short half-lives, and the undesired formation of by-products than may limit laser spectroscopy. However, significant progress in laser spectroscopy has been made thanks to a continuous development of novel methods and the construction of tailor-made setups. Nowadays we can access radionuclides of essentially all elements, even the heaviest elements well above uranium. In my presentation I will introduce some of the most common methods employed for laser spectroscopy of radionuclides and will present a few representative recent examples of results obtained at different facilities.

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Organizers:  F. Arleo (SUBATECH Nantes), P. Ascher (CENBG Bordeaux), O. Dorvaux (IPHC Strasbourg), J. Dudouet (IP2I Lyon), A. Fantina (GANIL Caen), G. Henning (IPHC Strasbourg), A. Korichi (IJCLab Orsay), O. Lopez (LPC Caen), J. Margueron (IP2I Lyon), G. Quemener (LPC Caen), O. Sorlin (GANIL Caen), B. Sulignano (IRFU Saclay), J.-C. Thomas (GANIL Caen), L. Thulliez (IRFU Saclay), A. Uras (IP2I Lyon), M. Vandebrouck (IRFU Saclay), P. Van Hove (IPHC Strasbourg), G. Verde (L2IT Toulouse).

Contact : Loïc THULLIEZ


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