Impact of radiative feed back on the dynamics and formation of low-mass protoplanets
Frédéric MASSET (Instituto de Ciencias Fisicas, UNAM Cuernavaca, Mexico)
Wed, Aug. 30th 2023, 14:00
Bat 713, salle de séminaires Galilée , CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

I will present new results about the dynamics of protoplanets embedded in a gaseous medium with thermal diffusion. Heat diffusion as well as the release of heat by an accreting, luminous planet into the surrounding gas induces a perturbation of density that gives rise to a contribution to the gravitational force exerted on the planet. Called thermal force, this contribution can take various forms depending on the planet's trajectory and on the gas flow. For a body traversing a gas at rest on a linear trajectory, the thermal force is opposed to the standard dynamical friction, and can yield a net acceleration of the body if the latter is sufficiently luminous. In the case of a planet on a circular orbit in a protoplanetary disc, thermal forces usually tend to counteract inward migration. When the planet's luminosity is above a certain threshold, they also tend to excite the planet's eccentricity and inclination to values comparable to the aspect ratio of the disc. I will present results from N-body calculations of a collection of pebble accreting embryos, for which the effects of thermal forces are incorporated. On the contrary to more standard calculations in which these effects are neglected, they tend to produce, over the 1 Myr time span of our runs, planets that have a mass nearly insensitive to the disc’s metallicity. Finally, I will present a work in progress on the formation of a planet forming in a dust ring.

Contact local & organisation: Thierry FOGLIZZO

Contact : Frederic GALLIANO


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