Reducing the environmental footprint of our research activities
Patrick Hennebelle
Wed, Jan. 25th 2023, 11:00
Bat 713, salle de séminaires Galilée , CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

The Labos1point5 collective, born in 2019, aims to transform research in order to adapt it to the new requirements of the low-carbon world that the climate and environmental crisis will bring about. Very quickly, several hundred research personnel, with a wide range of thematic, geographic and institutional diversity, joined the collective. This was the beginning of an exceptional interdisciplinary effort to quantify the footprint of research activities, to understand the brakes and levers that hinder decarbonization, to disseminate culture and knowledge related to the climate and environmental crisis, and finally to question what we, as research personnel, perceive as our place, our role, and our responsibility in the upcoming transition. In May 2021, a Research Group (GdR) supported by several institutions (CNRS, INRAE and INRIA) is created and offers to research staff, the institutional recognition of their activities and their commitments. During the seminar, I will give an overview of the different activities, some conclusions and results as well as future perspectives offered by this collective adventure. 

Contact : Jérôme Guilet


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