Studying the whole Sun: from small-scale heating to large-scale dynamics
Tue, Sep. 26th 2023, 10:00
Bat 713, salle de séminaires Galilée , CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

The Sun’s large-scale magnetic field undergoes periodic reversals due to dynamo-action in the solar interior, through which the Sun’s magnetic field regenerates. The emergence of new magnetic field at the solar surface, after buoyantly rising through the convection zone, is clearly visible due to the formation of dark spots (sunspots). However, current models of the solar dynamo are unable to self-consistently capture the formation of sunspots, due to the range of pressure scale heights needed to include the photosphere. Thus, dynamo models remain disconnected from sunspot observations. The cyclic evolution of the Sun’s magnetic field also has a clear impact on the structure of the solar atmosphere and outflowing wind above. Similarly, linking the evolution of different scales, from the buffeting of convective motions in the photosphere to the dissipation of Alfven waves in the solar wind. Modern models of the Sun, therefore, require the combination of expertise from a range of interconnected subject areas. In this talk, I will highlight some of the recent work from the WholeSun ERC Synergy grant (, which brings together expertise from five different host institutions across Europe. These works range from assessing the observational signatures of toroidal flux generation, to modelling small-scale energy injection at the base of the solar wind, and finally, estimating the large-scale variation in coronal structure and rotation during the solar cycle.

Local contact: Barbara PERRI

Organization: Carlos GÓMEZ GUIJARRO

Contact : Frederic GALLIANO


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