Magnetorotational supernovae: A nucleosynthetic analysis of sophisticated 3D models
Wed, Sep. 28th 2022, 16:00-18:00
Bat 713, salle de séminaires Galilée , CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

Speaker : Moritz REICHERT – University of Valencia

Titre: Magnetorotational supernovae: A nucleosynthetic analysis of sophisticated 3D models

Date : mercredi 28/09 à 16h00

Lieu : Salle Galilée – Bât 713

Abstract :  Magnetorotational supernovae (MR-SNe) are promising candidates for the enrichment of heavy elements in the early universe.

We analyzed the nucleosynthesis of four sophisticated 3D (Obergaulinger & Aloy 2021) and two long evolved 2D neutrino-magnetohyrodynamic models (Aloy & Obergaulinger 2021). We found three main mechanisms to synthesize heavy elements.

Namely, an early and prompt ejection of matter, a late change of the protoneutron star morphology, and high entropies in the center of strong jets produced by the MR-SNe.

Additionally, we estimated masses of unstable isotopes such as 56Ni. The obtained yields are in agreement with observed 56Ni masses of the most energetic supernovae, so called hypernovae.

We discuss the implications of our results in the light of stellar observations and previous findings. We conclude that MR-SNe may have contributed to the enrichment of heavy elements in our galaxy, although possibly not as a major source.

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