Atlas is one of the general purpose detectors which started operation in 2008 at the the CERN proton collider, to study the Higgs boson.
Unifying the elementary constituants of matter and their interactions.
The main goal of the experiment was to perform a complete study of CP violation (CP is the symmetry linking particules and antiparticules) in the system of B mesons.
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful nuclear imaging technique used widely nowadays in oncology, cardiology and neuropsychiatry.
The PET technology consists in injecting the patient with a radioactive tracer, of interest to probe a biochemical process.
CMS is the detector of one of the 2 multi-purpose experiments out of the 4 experiments located at the LHC at CERN near Geneva. CMS is installed at point 5 in Cessy.
The D0 experiment was located at the proton-antiproton Tevatron collider at the Fermilab laboratory (Chicago, USA). There was two data taking periods: Run I from 1992 to 1996 with a center of mass energy of 1.
FELICE (acronym for "Future Electron LInear Collider Experiment") is a group of physicists and engineers working for the physics and detectors at the ILC (International Linear Collider).
Scientific goals :
Neutrinos are elementary particles produced abundantly in stars, in the Earth's atmosphere and in the cores of nuclear power plants. In 2006 CEA/IRFU and CNRS/IN2P3 have decided to officially launch the construction of the Double Chooz experiment.
One of the fundamental questions of today’s physics concerns the action of gravity upon antimatter. No experimental direct measurement had been successfully performed with antimatter particles in the 2010's.
Neutrinoless double beta decay is a very rare nuclear transition, whose existence can provide essential information about neutrino properties like the hierarchy and the absolute mass scale.
Basic principle of a Solar Concentrator with Rotating Photons Optical Fibers
Coming from fundamental research on solar neutrino, the Solar Quantum Concentrator( CSQ) is a future low-cost and high efficiency solution for photovoltaic solar energy.
T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) is the world leading experiment dedicated to the study of neutrino oscillations over a long distance using µ-neutrino and µ-anti-neutrino beams.
Neutrinos exist in three different types (called 'flavours'): νe, νμ and ντ.