The main objective of the CMS Electronique project is the development of an electronic device called the selective read-out processor for the electromagnetic calorimeter (SRP for Selective Read-out Processor) of the CMS experiment. The SRP is part of the read-out electronics of the "Off-Detector" calorimeter due to its location in the underground service cavern outside the experimental cavern. For each event accepted by the first level of the trigger system of the experiment, the SRP must allow to decrease in real time the quantity of calorimeter raw data before being sent to the acquisition system. In spite of a considerable reduction factor (from 15 to 20) to be obtained, the physical performance of the calorimeter must not be compromised.
Innovation for detection systems / Signal processing and real-time systems
The design and realization of the off-detector electronics are shared between the following laboratories:
Industrial development kits and associated software for the parallel optical components and new generation FPGAs. Very high performance serial link analyzer.
The SRP consists of 12 identical boards complying with the VME64x standard. Each board can be used for the barrel and endcap regions of the electromagnetic calorimeter. It can also serve as the test instrument for other SRP boards.
Coordination of the collaboration "Off - Detector Electronic" at Cern;
Definition of selective read-out algorithms;
Definition of the global architecture of the selective read-out device;
Definition of the communication links of the SRP with other subsystem of the Off-detector read-out electronics;
Design and implementation of the SRP.
Study of selective read-out algorithms
Design and implementation of the selective read-out device