Detectors for linear collider
Detectors for linear collider

Vertex detector for ILC.

FELICE (acronym for "Future Electron LInear Collider Experiment") is a group of physicists and engineers working for the physics and detectors at the ILC (International Linear Collider). An electron-positron linear collider, with a centre-of-mass energy up to 1 TeV, has been chosen by a majority of physicists worldwide as the big project in High Energy Physics, after the commissioning of the LHC at CERN.

It has been shown that a vigorous R&D program is mandatory in order to reach the precision matching an ambitious physics program. For instance, the vertex detector (that should sign the presence of heavy quarks through the presence of secondary vertices separated from the primary one by at most a couple of millimeters) needs to have a spatial resolution below 5μm, in order to distinguish charm from beauty with a purity needed to measure precisely the decay branching ratios of the Higgs boson into cc and bb.

The physics case for such a linear collider is enormous: precise measurements of the properties of Higgs boson(s) and of possible supersymmetric particles will open the road towards the understanding of electro-weak symmetry breaking.



The "Reference Design report" has been published in 2007. We have now to produce a LOI to be presented to ILCSC before October 1st 2008, with the commitment to prepare an Engineering Design Report for each detector in order to match the machine calendar (in 2010). After that date, it is harder to be precise. The overall calendar will depend on the first results from LHC and will be the result of a top-level international discussion. The collider site is not yet decided.


In France :

9 french laboratories (DAPNIA, IPHC Strasbourg, IPN Lyon, LAL Orsay, LAPP Annecy, LLR Palaiseau, LPC Clermont, LPNHE Paris and LPSC Grenoble)


Around 50 european lab, and Canada, the US, Japan, etc...



Pierre LUTZ


Two main directions:
- Feasability studies (by means of more and more realistic simulations) and precision measurments of the Standard Model (and beyond) parameters, in particular through the study of tri-linear self-coupligs of a Higgs boson.
- Detector R&D for such an experiment, in particular on the main tracker (TPC with Micromegas readout) and for the vertex detector (monolithic CMOS sensors), with, in both cases, participation to the european project EUDET.

New technologies in particle detection

Dapnia responsabilities

- convenor (worldwide) of the group "Trigger and Read-out"
- convenor (european experimentalist) of the group "Higgs bosons"


Status and perspectives


End 2004 : choice of the linac acceleration technology : the superconductive cavities, under the leadership of DESY and to which DAPNIA greatly participated, has been chosen. 



In a long term, Felice should be one of the major experiments inside DAPNIA, as soon as the decision to built a linear collider is taken.

ILC web page

EUDET web page

#2306 - Last update : 10/31 2007


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