Simulations Numériques en astrophysique
Simulation numérique en astrophysique spécialisé dans l’activité de "calcul de haute performance". Astrophysics digital simulation for "high performance computing".   

The RAMSES code

COAST  COmputational ASTrophysics
Comprendre le système climatique de titan avec l'utilisation d'un modèle 3D général de circulation. Understanding Titan's climate using a 3D model.
Télescope de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) dédié à l'observation dans l'infrarouge des exoplanètes. ESA space telescope for extra solar planets infrared observation.
Architectures de bolomètres pour des Télescopes à grand champ de vue dans le domaine sub-Millimétrique au Sol
ArTéMiS est une caméra dédiée à la recherche en astrophysique dans le domaine submillimétrique.   Elle est installée sur le télescope APEX, dans le désert d’Atacama au Chili, à 5100 m d’altitude.   ArTéMiS est le seul instrument imageur disponible pour ces longueurs d’onde (observations simultanées à 350 et 450 microns) dans l’hémisphère sud.
Wide-field submm imager for next generation telescopes
Latest news : Artemis installed on APEX (25 sept. 2013)   The Artemis camera has been successfully installed on APEX telescope during the summer 2013. The new camera has already delivered a spectacularly detailed view of the Cat’s Paw Nebula.   APEX telescope at 5100 m on Llano Chajnantor in Chile (Credit ESO).     The commissioning team that installed ArTeMIS had to battle against extreme weather conditions to complete the task.
ArTeMiS bolometer array
Un satellite pour l'étude de l’univers chaud et énergétique. Lancement prévu pour 2031. A satellite to study hot and energetic universe to be launched in 2031.  
An infrared spectrometer of the CASSINI probe
CASSINI-CIRS An infrared spectrometer of the CASSINI probe The Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS for "Composite InfraRed Spectrometer") is one of the instruments on board the Cassini probe. The Cassini probe was inserted in orbit around Saturn on July 2004, six and half years after its launch.
Étude des binaires X et de leur comportement multi-longueur d'onde sur différentes échelles de temps.  Studying the multi-wavelenght behavior of the X-ray binaries on multiple time scales.
Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics
 Web site of the COAST project  Presentation          The COAST project is a DAPNIA program of high performances computing in astrophysics. It includes developments of codes, numerical methods, visualization tools, distributed databases, optimization and parallelization methods.
COAST  COmputational ASTrophysics
CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array)
A new generation observatory to explore the high energy Universe. Une nouvelle génération d'observatoire pour explorer l'Univers à haute énergie.
Analyser le rôle du numérique dans la construction, la diffusion et l'enseignement des connaissances en astrophysique. Analyzing the digital technologies uses to make, spread and teach astrophysics knowledge.
Caractérisation des dunes EXtra-terrestres de Mars et Titan. Characterising extra-terrestrial dunes on Mars and Titan.  
Tools development to characterize exoplanets’ atmospheres  
Epistémologie, gestion des connaissances, technologies numériques pour la valorisation
Projet de recherche sur les processus d'innovation dans la conception et la concrétisation des « grands instruments », tels que les observatoires spatiaux. Research project about innovation process of concepting and shaping big instruments such as space telescope.
Fermi: Un télescope gamma de nouvelle génération
Observatoire de la NASA dédié à l'étude du rayonnement gamma de haute énergie émis par les objets célestes. NASA space telescope studying high energy gamma-ray from space objects.  
FERMI-GLAST: A big gamma-ray telescope
FERMI-GLAST   GLAST successfully launched on 11th June, 2008 : see Actualités The GLAST telescope was renamed the FERMI telescope after its launch on August 26th, 2008 as a tribute to the famous Italian physicist. Fermi : the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Fermi is a NASA observatory dedicated to the study of gamma rays in the energy band between 20 MeV and 300 GeV.
Résoudre la formation des galaxies : de la physique à petite échelle dans le contexte cosmologique Understanding galaxies formation: small-scale physics for cosmology.
Global Oscillations at Low Frequency
Studying the Sun's internal structure using the measurement of its oscillation modes.  
Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies   Etude de la structure interne du Soleil Study of the internal structure of the Sun   GOLF instrument on board the SoHO spacecraft.   SOHO website at NASA.
Herschel An Infrared and Sub-millimetre Observatory The Herschel telescope is a scientific space mission developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) dedicated to observing the Universe in the infrared and sub-millimetre ranges (wavelengths between 60 et 670 µm), a window of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still largely unexplored. It measures 9 m in length, 4 m in diameter and will weigh over 3 metric tons upon launch.
Exploring the High Energy gamma ray sky
H.E.S.S.   Exploring the High Energy gamma ray sky H.E.S.S   stands for "High Energy Stereoscopic System". This telescope system been designed and built by a large international collaboration which includes the DAPNIA as a member. This instrument is dedicated to the observation of high energy gamma ray sources with energies above a few tens of GeV.
La mission spatiale ASTRO-H est un observatoire X et gamma de nouvelle génération The ASTRO-H mission is a new generation observatory for x-ray and gamma-ray.
Etudier la dynamique d'interfaces dans les équations d'évolution. Studying interface dynamics in the evolution equations.
La mission d'astronomie gamma INTEGRAL par François Lebrun
Mission de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne pour l’exploration du ciel dans la gamme des photons gamma de basse énergie. ESA mission to explore the low energy gamma-ray sky.
The James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on 25 December 2021 is the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a NASA led mission with the participation of Europe, under the responsibility of the European Space Agency (ESA), and of Canada through the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The telescope has a collecting area 7 times larger than that of the HST and is dedicated to observe the Universe in the infrared radiation (from 1 to 27 micrometers).
Analyse de la dynamique stellaire (rotation) par l’asteroseismologie Stellar dymanics analysis using asteroseismology.     Pour les détails sur la mission KEPLER, voir le site Kepler-NASA For details on the KEPLER mission, see the Kepler-NASA website
Tester le modèle Lambda matière noire froide pour l'évolution de la matière noire dans les amas de galaxies. Testing the Lambda-CDM model for the formation of collapsed structures.
M2C Project
Ab initio modelling of extreme supernova explosions and gamma-ray bursts
Ttitle of ERC project : Exploding stars from first principles: MAGnetars as engines of hypernovae and gamma-ray BURSTs PI : Jérôme Guilet    
Du milieu interstellaire diffus aux étoiles.  From diffused interstellar medium to stars.   Comprendre la formation des étoiles reste l'un des plus grands défis de l'astronomie moderne.
Title of ERC projec: Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes PI: Anaelle Maury
MATLAS étudie les galaxies précoces et leurs relations d'échelle.  MATLAS studies the Early-Type Galaxies and their scale relations.
  Megacam   MegaCam A major instrument at the CFHT observatory (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope) The MegaCam camera was developed for the prime focus of the 3.6m diameter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), on the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano, at an altitude of 4200m on the Big Island of Hawaii (USA).
Contraintes morphologiques et multi-longueurs d'onde sur la croissance parallèle des galaxies et de leurs trous noirs super-massifs. Morphological and multi-wavelength constraints on the coeval growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.
Etude multi-échelle de l'évolution des structures de l'Univers. Multi-scale study of the evolution of structures in the Universe. 
NIKA (New IRAM KID Arrays): une camera continuum pour l'astronomie millimétrique. Continuum camera for milimetrical astronomy.
Améliorer la connaissance de l’interaction photons - plasmas dans le domaine X et XUV. Studying the photon-plasma interactions in the X-ray and XUV-ray.
Étudier la formation des étoiles en confrontant simulations numériques et observations. Confronting star formation studies with space observations and computer simulations. 
The PEBBLES project consists of developing an innovative methodology to characterise the properties of dust around very young stars in the process of forming their proto-planetary disks. Dust is one of the key elements in the physical processes regulating the formation of stars and their planetary systems, but recent observations are overturning the models used until now to describe its evolution from submicron grains to pebbles.
Simulations numériques de disques protoplanétaires, préparer le terrain pour la formation planétaire.  Protoplanetart disks digital simulations, studying planety formation.
Mesurer l’émission polarisée des grains de poussière du milieu interstellaire. Measuring polarized emission of dust particles in interstellar medium.
Observatoire spatial de mesure des paramètres du modèle standard ou « modèle du Big Bang ». Space telescope measuring the Big Bang model parameters.
Plasmas lasers
Les expériences lasers haute-énergie
Créer des plasmas à haute température à partir de l'énergie des faisceaux lasers. Making high temperature plasmas using laser energy.
A space observatory developed by ESA for the characterization of exo-planetary systems launched in late 2026. ESA stellar exo-planet system characterization to be launched at the end of 2026.  
A new generation space telescope for high-energy astrophysics
  Simbol-X   A new generation space telescope for high-energy astrophysics The Simbol-X project is a new generation high energy telescope operating in the 0.5 to 80 keV energy range, using in all this domain the principle of a telescope, i.e. the concentration of the radiation on a small sensitive surface (the eye, a photographic plate, a CCD camera, etc.).
Élucider le mécanisme d'explosion des étoiles massives, et caractériser les conditions de naissance des étoiles à neutrons et des trous noirs. Studying massive star explosions and neutron stars and blackholes formation. 
Solar Predict
Développer un outil de prédiction fiable de l’activité du Soleil et des éruptions majeures à sa surface. Developing a reliable tool to predict Sun activity and its major surface eruptions.
Publication of the pipeline and complete database in open-source, free-access and offline formats
NASA's Spitzer space telescope, JWST's predecessor, was a very successful mission, observing in particular the spectra of several tens of thousands of sources at wavelengths ranging from around 5µm to 38µm. These observations complement JWST/MIRI data for long-wavelength diagnostics, and provide valuable diagnostics in conjunction with JWST or in preparation for future infrared missions.
Spectroscopic atlas of the Spitzer infrared telescope
Studying rotation dynamics of magnetic stars and their interaction with their planet system. SPIRE - Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution Projet ERC (European Research Council) # 647383 Porteur CEA : S. Mathis
Comprendre la formation stellaire dans les galaxies avec les observations de Herschel. Understanding star formation in galaxies using Herschel observations.
Etudier la structure du Milieu Interstellaire Local par inversion. Studying the local interstellar medium. Stilism est un projet ANR qui a démarré en décembre 2012 pour d’une durée de 48 mois. Stilism, pour Structure du Milieu Interstellaire Local par Inversion, a pour but d’étudier le milieu interstellaire, milieu extrêmement dilué composé de gaz et de poussières réparti dans tout l’Univers.
A mission dedicated to the study of gamma ray bursts
A mission dedicated to the study of gamma ray bursts The SVOM Mission (Space based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) is a chinese and french project dedicated to the detection and detailed study of GRBs. The launch of the satellite is planned for the beginning of the next decade.
Etudier l'interaction des étoiles massives avec leur environnement. Studying massive stars in their environment. 
Thin Aperture Light Collector
Concept de télescope déployable pour l'observation dans l'infrarouge lointain. Concept of a deployable telescope for far-infrared observation. 
  Camera infrarouge installée sur le Very Large Telescope au Chili.  Infrared camera based on the VLT in Chili.
The mid-Infrared instrument of the ESO VLT program
VISIR   The mid-Infrared instrument of the ESO VLT program VISIR is the mid-infrared instrument installed in 2004 at the Cassegrain focus of MELIPAL, one of the four 8-meter telescopes of the European Very Large Telescopes program.
Understanding the physical mechanisms underlying the eruptive activity of the Sun and its stellar twins
An observatory to detect cosmic X-ray radiation
  XMM-Newton     An observatory to detect cosmic X-ray radiation   The XMM-Newton observatory (XMM stands for X-ray Multi-Mirror) is a telescope of the European Space Agency (ESA) dedicated to studying the X-ray cosmic radiation. Launched on December 10th, 1999 by an Ariane 5 rocket, XMM-Newton measures 10 m of length, 16 m large, for 4 m of diameter and weigh approximately 3,8 tons.
          Programme d’observation extragalactique de la mission spatiale XMM Newton.  - Extragalactic observation program of the space mission XMM Newton.            


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