Résumé du preprint Irfu-08-228

The Radiofrequency Quadrupole Accelerator For The LINAC4
C. Rossi, P. Bourquin, J.-B. Lallement, A. M. Lombardi, S. Mathot, M. Timmins, G. Vandoni, M. Vretenar ,CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. S. Cazaux, O. Delferriere, M. Desmons, R. Duperrier, A. France, D. Leboeuf, O. Piquet, CEA, Saclay, France.
The first stage of acceleration in Linac4, the new 160 MeV CERN H- injector, is a 352 MHz, 3-m long Radiofrequency Quadrupole (RFQ) Accelerator. The RFQ will capture a 70 mA, 45 keV beam from the RF source and accelerate it to 3 MeV, an energy suitable for chopping and injecting the beam in a conventional Drift Tube Linac. Although the RFQ will be initially operated at low duty cycle (0.1%), its design is compatible with higher duty cycle (10%) as the front-end for a possible high-intensity upgrade of the CERN linac facility. The RFQ will be of brazed-copper construction and will be built and assembled at CERN. Beam dynamics design allows for a compact structure made of a single resonant unit. Field symmetry is ensured by fixed tuners placed along the structure. In this paper we present the RF and mechanical design, the beam dynamics and the sensitivity to fabrication and to RF errors.