Prochain séminaire SCOPI mardi 14 mai à 11h - Thé et café servis à 10h45  
Le prochain séminaire SCOPI aura lieu le mardi 14 mai à 11h dans l'amphithéâtre Bloch de l'IPHT. "Cosmic inflation after Planck " Orateur: Jérôme Martin (IAP)
Lundi 13/05/2019


After a short discussion of the central tenets at the basis of inflation, a review of how the most recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy measurements constrain this theory is presented.

However, cosmic inflation is not only a successful paradigm to understand the early Universe. It is also the only situation in Physics where one crucially needs General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics to derive the predictions of a theory and, where, at the same time, we have high-accuracy data to test these predictions. 

Indeed, according to inflation, the large scale structures observed in our Universe (galaxies, clusters of galaxies, Cosmic Microwave Background - CMB - anisotropy . . . ) are of quantum mechanical origin: they are nothing but vacuum fluctuations, stretched to cosmological scales by the cosmic expansion and amplified by gravitational instability.

This means that inflation is also a playground to investigate foundational issues and some aspects of these questions will be discussed.

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A. Sene, dépêche du 13/05/2019


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